Alăturați-vă Căpitanului Paul, Chef Nina și fantasticului echipaj al Motor Yacht Loon în timp ce se îmbarcă într-un charter de neuitat de 10 zile de superyacht în plin de farmec St. Tropez! Acest charter are totul, de la priveliști uimitoare ale coastei până la mâncăruri delicioase pregătite de bucătarul Nina. Urmărește cum echipajul oferă servicii de top, în timp ce oaspeții se bucură de lux, aventură și relaxare într-una dintre cele mai emblematice destinații de yachting din lume. Urcă-te la bord și experimentează cea mai bună evadare din St. Tropez cu Loon! Suntem încântați să anunțăm lansarea contului nostru Loon Crew Patreon. Membrii vor primi acces exclusiv în culise la echipaj și vor fi invitați cu căldură să se alăture echipajului la bord pentru un prânz pentru membri, făcându-vă parte din călătoria noastră. Am lansat, de asemenea, magazinul nostru de marfă, care în prezent este disponibil doar pentru spectatorii din SUA. Sperăm să ne extindem la nivel mondial în următoarele câteva luni. Verificați-l aici: Pentru actualizări zilnice, urmăriți-ne pe: Instagram: TikTok: motoryachtloon Pentru întrebări privind charterul și pentru a verifica iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial: Mai multe videoclipuri charter aici: Realitatea alimentării unui superyacht de 50 milioane USD O privire în interior: Un superyacht de 221 ft în timpul evenimentului Monaco F1 din 2024 – Partea 1 Aspect interior: Monaco F1 de la un Superyacht – Partea 2 Urmărește asta: 70 USD M Superyacht vs. Cel mai periculos pod din lume – Filmat de Stephen Tench Editat de Stephen Tench și Shaun Silver #loonvideos #SuperyachtLife #sainttropez #sttropez #superyacht #captainpaul #yachtlife Patul muzical COPYRIGHT ID MB01RCI5ETSYFY0
Explorând Saint Tropez cu Superyacht
36 thoughts on “Explorând Saint Tropez cu Superyacht”
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These were some HIGH maintenance guests. I hope the tip was just as high…
Nina is very cute 🙂
The best way to see Europe and its waters is with Europeans and on board vessels operated by Europeans. The foreign Anglos are the same wherever the are just like McDonald's fast food.
I cannot believe your guests wanted to stay in the Golf of St Tropez, with the odd venture to Pampelone Beach, when there is so much to see along the Cote D'Azur, however their cruise, each to their own!!
Just 😎🇨🇵🎉
That horn is just amazing 😆
So, what makes for guests that may be a bit challenging? 🙂
plant based every thing love. no meats. no roots. have fun. enjoy
I wish that guy would shave his moutache
Love the content guys … Its nice to see what life is like on a super yacht.
Who owns Loon currently?
drink freshwater. no alcohol's. enjoy great life in love. peace. Love God Tsar Hare Krishna
no police. live safe in heavenly peace
keep safe ear lobes loves.
Got my hat ordered! Super cool thing is Loon's are REALLY popular here in Tennessee where our lake house is! Might have to order a few more for Xmas gifts for family! Maybe we name our small 22' tritoon loon mini 😆
So if Loon is sold.. Does that mean this channel is gone too? 😢
Thought it was an awesome video!! Especially enjoyed watching that docking in and out in such narrow passages.
💗 from Mary in Southern California.
I love this channel! It’s so good! I’d love to go on a charter with this crew..they all seem like a great bunch of people
wow wont know it was 10 days not a month
So your boat always tows a tender from behind instead of storing it?
nice, if i was still young, i knew what to do for work, leave the cold dutch wheather en work on a charter like yours, if i couldt do mine life over.
I think the chefs on Loon are the best of the best, they always manage to pull it out and the guests appeared to be very satisfied with the efforts.
Hi, would you recommend Croatia as a holiday destination, sadly I'm not in a position for a super yacht charter have a safe trip.
So much happiness and joy $47k weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD I now have a house and can now afford anything for my family even with my Retirement..
How do the stews know which bags belong to which guests?
IF you hadn't mentioned the bit about not having a story I never would have realized it. I know that you didn't film yachting 1k nautical miles or anything, but it did not make the video much less entertaining to me. I'll never get a chance to experience something like this, but watching the videos still brings me joy and is the next best thing. (kinda, lol. hard to compare YouTube with spending 11 days on a Yacht with the Loon's cracked crew.).
I love a big tart
40 pieces nothing like OVER packing for a group. Hey your on a freakin yacht! But that's the rich for ya!
15:41 Hurry up and wait! 😊
Sorry, slightly delayed with working nights, absolutely awesome video.. really good. Very cool town.. really enjoyable watch
Great video, hi to Nina
Honestly, I loved the video! Love hearing from the crew and all the drone shots! <3 Nina!
Not so much movement but still a great vlog….go Loon….Nord Norge
How much does a yacht like this cost for 1 week?