Ziua 1 a Cupei Americii feminine PUIG în direct la Barcelona. ABONAȚI-vă la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: https://www.youtube.com/c/americascup Apreciați Cupa Americii Pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Twitter: https://www. twitter.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/americascup Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: https://www.americascup.com/en/newsletter Cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii va fi să fie apărat la Barcelona de patru ori câștigător al Cupei Americii, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron reprezentat de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand. #AmericasCup #AC37 #Barcelona2024
Cupa Americii Feminin PUIG – Grupa A – ÎN DIRECT

34 thoughts on “Cupa Americii Feminin PUIG – Grupa A – ÎN DIRECT”
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"fidati di me, ti prego, c'è vento"

GRANDISSIME CA**O-GIRLS!! avanti così, fateci sognare, fateci VINCERE!!
regata spettacolare, siete fantastiche!!
Gotta be the worst name for an event ever,. P U I G. what next.
Hope they enjoyed their moment of flying after they crossed the finish line!! Well done GBR
Have you noticed the bias of the commentators? They seen both very Anglo centric, not particularly fair!
Brave ragazze! Grandissime! Forza Luna Rossa!
Giulia Conti al posto di Spithill nella prossima campagna
Grandi ragazze!!! Avanti così!!
Are there men in this competition?
If not I must apologize as I thought masculine come on board in the first race.
I hope I don't create an international incident. Most women I've sailed with are way more skilled than me.
Ma pedalano
Vai luna rossa
Great racing
1:05:06 "Deep, non vedo un cazzo"
dimostrazione che siamo forti ma noi abbiamo dovuto sputtanare tutto mettendo bruni invece che tita o gradoni
yea its not the Amerca's cup is it, its just another sailing regatta. all sailing the same boats
So cool to hear female voices coming from the AC-40s.
And great racing to boot!
Thanks, LV37.
great race, lots to celebrate.
I miss the hull paint of the AC75s – i know this is trivial
I was thinking women would probably late for the start but really two thirds of the fleet wow:)
Fantastic event
ITA seems ahead of the other teams
Can someone tell the producers that there are more than 2 boats on the course. Let's see what's happening around the field.
as in the Youth Cup, the Italian women of Luna Rossa seem to be dominating both upwind and downwind, where they showed amazing speed … especially in race 3 when they had splashed down and started off late, they recovered and passed everyone, helped by penalties but they would have won most likely also without those. The British girls seem to be the second best, very convincing.
Giulia Conti on Luna Rossa is a superstar …
they definitely don't look aa slick as the guys but its nice to see them out there
Dave questioned UK's sponsorship. Lookout for Cobham – large aerospace company!!
This is boring a one two horse race and half the time they come off the foils bring on the real Americas cup
and a round of applause for Lady Luna…. following Baby Luna's path to victory… Outstanding sailing!
Fantastic, I just love it!
“Posso strambare?” “Si” “ evvai” ADORO queste ragazze!!!!
In atletica leggera o nella boxe gli uomini combattono direttamente contro le donne, alla LV Cup fate due competizioni distinte, siete antichi ed omofobi.