Patricia Treble oferă cele mai recente actualizări despre familia regală, inclusiv apariția neașteptată a lui Meghan Markle la o gală a spitalului pentru copii și lupta juridică a Prințului Harry împotriva tabloidelor din Marea Britanie. De asemenea, discutăm despre întâlnirea plină de compasiune a lui Kate Middleton cu o pacientă cu cancer, despre celebrările sportive recente cu Prințul William și Kate și despre anunțul interesant despre viitoarea adăugare a Prințesei Beatrice la familie. Pentru mai multe informații, accesați:
De ce prințul Harry și Meghan Markle petrec timp separat?

24 thoughts on “De ce prințul Harry și Meghan Markle petrec timp separat?”
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Just because they want.
worst "Royal" reporter!!!! It's Katherine, News of the world & the judge said you're taking up too many resources settle or Jan trial. How hard was that!
Leave Meghan alone you menacing. Please leave Meghan alone
Love Harry and Meghan

Meghan looks so beautiful

Love that red dress is so beautiful

The best part of this Royal roundup was hearing about Catherine, William, and Beatrice, but thanks for the good laugh about what will always be the "droopy booby" dress, that red dress looked no better now than it did on the first presentation.
Why these Americans put a big UK flag at the background?
She looked vibrantly happy …
She looks a mess. Are you watching something else?
Team Princess of Wales ALWAYS
They probably know the prince has a diddy tape about ready to come out
Haven't seen ms markle for a while, more than likely she was having something cosmetic work done so couldn't be seen in public until all is healed.
The dress never was and still doesn't look good on this woman.
Please donate to charity
Your ROYAL EXPERT is not an expert …MARKEL IS NOT A ROYAL you fool!

I loathe the Harkles so fake she looked awful wouldn’t she be better taking her kids to Mexico to visit their grandfather
Oh please she’s hopeless without him and he’s just hopeless regardless
OMG how in gods name can that lady say she looked fabulous,you need your eyes tested mam she looked disheveled her hair look like she just got out of the shower..Harry looks happier without the claw hanging on to him.
He’s fine and so is she. They are completely devoted to each other
If you decided to stay away from your wife for your own image, we can all agree their marriage is a garbage. Let’s all move on coz these two are as predictable as a two year old!
Fake it til you make it!
Richie Trail
Markle doesn't really look royal
No matter what dress she wears?
Eerrr!… because they have to work???
The don't live together!!!!!