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Tur cu iaht de 10 milioane USD: Princess S80

42 thoughts on “Tur cu iaht de 10 milioane USD: Princess S80”
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What's this saying that's everywhere now "Of an evening"
what was wrong with "In the evening"?
Why are boat toilets on raised platforms?
You’re the prince of Princess!! They owe you a summer of boating on their yachts :). Great review as always. Thank you
Normally I can see the value in the boats you show. Things just pop and have interesting features that make you say "Yeah, I can see why it costs this much". I'm just not getting that with this boat. It feels boring and bland.
2:56 Very dismayed to see them using a book as a placemat
Update : They have also done it on the X85 .
Come on set dressers, books are to be cherished and not used as placemats.
I'm watching and all I can think is " I know what's behind these bulkheads". Love the Princess yachts, fantastic engineering and style.
What are the tiers of UK yacht builders, and does the UK have any builder competing in the metal hull market against say San Lorenzo?
This is a beautiful boat. Please do excuse my ignorance here Nick but help me out, the Pearl 82 you did a tour of a few weeks ago is only $6 million. I do like the finishes on this boat slightly better but I don't think it is $4 million worth. The Pearl is slightly longer than this boat and I kind of like the layout of the Pearl. What am I getting for the Extra $4 million? Why am I choosing this boat over the Pearl. Again, please excuse my ignorance but I am curious to your thoughts. Is this like stepping up from a Toyota to a Mercedes Benz in quality?
الأسعار ترتفع جداً
Always impressed by Princess, love the lines/look of this yacht. Yeah they cost more than a Sunseeker, but they are IMO a better built boat. 30 knot cruise for an 80 foot palace like this is straight hauling ass, like I said, always impressed by what Princess builds.
What a beautiful boat. This may be a question that’s been asked before – so I’m sorry in advance – is the load line length of the x80 below 24m? I looked at the specs but it only mentioned the LOA at 25.44m.
Daughter's boyfriend?. fantastic.
The crew cabin is not that great a space for your daughters boyfriend. She'll sneak down there and you won't hear a thing…
The S80 is so much better looking than the X80.
And can you reconfigure the crew space to a more suitable space if you don't want a crew?
Perfect conclusion to the mini series of the build process.
Wonderful yacht that would be the envy of many a larger boat owner I’m sure.
Great tour too, as always!
14:30 Nice how neatly you centered the wheel there.
I think along with the iconic mirror wave there should be a new Nick feature – how about the horn! Everyone loves a good horn, and a blast from each review to see who has the biggest and best horn.
I have a suggestion for future videos. When you reference another tour on your channel, wether it’s an alternative version of the current tour, or a yacht stationed next to the one you’re touring, in addition to tell the viewers, it could be very helpful to add a clickable thumbnail at the same time.
I’ll be honest, I want to see the other tour you mentioned, but not bother about scrolling for 10+ minutes through years and trying to find the right video lol
Btw, why always the daughter’s boyfriend , and not the son’s girlfriend ?
When you say "tuck away with a book" I feel someone is missing.
Is that the S80 that we saw being built on your channel nick
Its nice, but I'll take a Sunseeker Yacht 76
Ten million dollars for an owner-operater yacht?! Somebody has to call a halt to that madness. You're into Azimut Grande territory at that price and a very different proposition.
I think even if there is crew on board, the daughters boyfriend would find a comfy spot in the engine room

This one looks really good. I love the sporty styling and performance figures!
Brilliant, Princess knows how to do things well and this Princess S80 I’m sure, will be very popular indeed. The engine room is clean and uncluttered, quite striking in contrast to most engine rooms. Where organized information of buttons, gauges, switches, redundancies of systems keep one very well informed. Organized chaos is a marvellous thing. Have a wonderful week.
I'd love to see the boat in the evening too. Maybe just a few shots to see what atmosphere the lighting designers have created.
Is there a video for the X80 on the channel that is new? I can't seem to find it.
Nick knows how to scare people off a boat
Serious question, the range figures you quoted, are they for that model with the extra tank/range? if so, you're not going to get far with two tanks!
A great variation on the 80. Thanks for the tour Nick.
It’s amazing how since you’ve pointed it out on a few of your previous tours, I view a princess tour with their “pop out” locks on all the drawers and cupboards, and think how dated they are!

Great tour as alaways, and lovely to see SS back on the channel.
9:38 Noah's ark?
Lovely to see the end product, I’ve personally worked on both the hull and deck.
Lovely toy for the rich gentleman and his family
It's amazing how you manage to give us over 20 minutes of beautiful stuff, filming on a crowded yacht, great job Nick
Nick love your videos
But are any of these yachts able to make the passage across the Atlantic ?
£10M doesn't buy you a lot imo.
Cool boat – I'm in love… ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Airconditioning outside is just a lvl of decadence and sensless waste thats to much even for a yacht
Always appreciate the commit " you can tuck yourself away with a good book"
Such understated elligance in this one!
Love this yacht. Great, spacious design and quality indeed.