@INEOSBritannia, care reprezintă Royal Yacht Squadron, este prima echipă britanică din ultimii 60 de ani care a ajuns la Cupa Americii și săptămâna aceasta va încerca să câștige Auld Mug, trofeul care a părăsit Marea Britanie în 1851 și nu s-a mai întors niciodată. De ce Regatul Unit nu a avut niciodată succes și s-a schimbat ceva care indică faptul că 2024 ar putea aduce succes? Credit pentru video și fotografii Recon Photographer / @America’s Cup #MozzySails susținut de Allen Brothers (fittings) Ltd Utilizați codul „MOZZY15” la https://www.allenbrothers.co.uk/ pentru a solicita o reducere de 15% Craftinsure: Boat Insurance with un marinar Racing Dinghy la cârmă https://CI.prf.hn/l/8jywE8X SUPPORT: https://www.patreon.com/MozzySails Sau alăturați-vă acestui canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCK0h2Yj6jcyeXGeITonYnOA/alăturați-vă la #AmericasCup #AC37Recon #AC37
Perdanți de 173 de ani: istoria sportului poate fi schimbată?

49 thoughts on “Perdanți de 173 de ani: istoria sportului poate fi schimbată?”
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Surely Ineos is a private entity, who says they are representing Britain?
The british run formula 1, nz run americas cup
Good perspective. Culture is so important, and the cool calmness out on ETNZ doesn't seem to be quite there with UK, despite technology. Could BA's ego and drive be a negative? Is he, despite being a great SOLO dingy man as so often mentioned, the best for the job? Some of the new talent is incredible, from many countries, particularly Italy.
As a non-British person, I have always heard about this "trauma" linked to the America's Cup for English sailors, with this beautiful passionate video you describe the depth of this trauma, but then I don't understand one thing, why if you sit at the defender's table in the role of the COR you don't fight to have fair conditions that guarantee you the chances of success in your challenge?
Carli Walks
So Mozzy…I just have one question..Is it gonna be 7-0 or the committee , because of ineos 'lots of money being put into the venue, will let them win one to be 7-1?
You're right Mozzy! The British sure look slick! @#$%&
Where are the day 1 recaps and analysis Mozz?
Like this honest self reflective look at the history of the America's cup. It touches on why a small country like NZ can dominate on a world stage.
Awaiting your first day analysis Mozzy
Mozzy no, Ineos is not thr best challenger, LRPP was better, unfortunately too fragile.
Your title is insulting. The main reason the Americas Cup remained in New York from the outset was the unfairly weighted "Deed of Gift" which allowed cup holders to make and bend rules to suit themselves including denying viable challengers, class selection. The NYYC are entirely corrupt with regards the first century of their title holding. This doesn't create losers. If you cannot race fairly it's no challenge, so in reality challengers were victimised by the NYYC.
sporting history was changed when america's cup went from sailing to piloting battery powered seaplanes!
As a Young Adolescent, 1978, 17yo, from working class North Shore, New-Zealand, I crewed on a Stewart 34, NZ's single class yacht at the RNZYS, Royal New-Zealand Yacht Squadron, I was learning Forward Hand, spinnaker's, headsails etc. A lot of the Team NZ Crew are from the Squadron. We used to do the Wednesday Evening Races (Harbour) and Saturday Racing (Hauraki Gulf), I always appreciated the fact that I could sail with good Sailors and most of the young men were from ordinary working class families. I was always grateful and appreciative for the opportunities to sail at no cost and always welcoming. The Squadron membership had a large number of the Captains of Industry that were the core of the Members. This is the reason why NZ has the Cup, there is no exclusivity and anyone keen to learn is accepted, naturally one has to abide by the etiquette of the Squadron. presently 5 million population of NZ. The UK must have some serious class structural issues which shuts out a lot of Talent.
Excellent video.
Why so slow with update on today’s AC .TENZ 2 /Brittania zip….
Bro. you should whinge some more and then ……..
Yeah Right… thanks for thd olden days recap.
"Thou shalt rise…" is that an old-English reference to the Sir Ben?
Your attempt to down-play the role of the British establishment in this sport and rugby is hilarious. The rest of the world get to whip our arses without the pomp – but with good-old investment in grass-roots sport across all parts of society. We need to stop seeing our 'greatness' through the lens of royal patronage, and give access to these sports to as many as possible, not only those in private schools. BTW, the US yacht was called 'America' not 'The America'
Tom, I love your analyses, and as someone who grew up near Newport RI in the last days of the 12m class, I definitely feel the same tension against people thinking they somehow have the right to win. Having said that it’s looking like GBR isn’t as fast as NZL and the F1 aerodynamicists hired by INEOS weren’t everything. It’s early days and I’m rooting for GBR to win, but NZL has a lot of advantages you pointed out in the rule setting, access to the race course and data streams, but so far NZL is also sailing really well.
I’ve been suspect of Ineos’ ability and tactics this entire LV/Cup cycle, and never more so than when they faced and barely beat Luna Rossa. They always seemed to be on the edge of making a big race-losing mistake, and their tacks often seemed below par. Well, now being proven right. Sad that Luna or Magic wasn’t able to get through and face the Kiwis, cause Ineos just isn’t showing anything near the ability to match-race the Kiwis.
Ben has decided to loose all the starts despite a fast boat.
We will back home very soon.
Ben please consider retiring
It's gonna be a stomp, sorry. NZ is going to win 7-0.
FWIW, I think Ineos Britannia's J1 head is too tight at the head, needs more twist in the upwash of the mast and is creating unecessary drag and needs more roach at the head.
My observations to date:
1. Race 1 and 2 the ETNZ boat just looked a little faster upwind. INEOS made a mistake in race 3 and brought a penalty on themselves. It was slightly ridiculous for Ben Ainslie after the race to claim they didn't get the "rub of the green" on the umpire decision. He's talking about luck. Was he implying the Kiwis were lucky when INEOS didn't give way? Really? Out sailed on that occasion.
2. Reliability caused an issue on Race 1 for INEOS which meant a late entry and then be late to the starting line, putting them on the back foot. After that the Kiwis covered them perfectly and extended.
3. Overall the Kiwi boat looks to come out of tacks faster. As I thought they would be more maneuverable. They also appear to have a slight advantage in terms of VMG. Day 1 was difficult to compare because I believe they had differing sail sizes but day 2 was more like-for-like and NZ came out with a VMG advantage.
For INEOS to win races they need to complete the course with zero mistakes and perfect reliability. Even then it will be tough with what is looking like a slightly slower boat. Hopefully they win a few to make it interesting!!! But it's going to be hard.
Come on mate where is your analysis vid????? Hurry up!!
Where the heck are you man? What's up with the pre-start penalty in race 3? Looks to me like a violation of 16.1 and perhaps 16.2. ETNZ was hunting and did not allow ENIOS to stay clear. Is this something I can apply in my local sailing?
Where are you ? Months of build up and your brilliant comments missing ?
Mozzy hello
Still telling NZ sail trimming is not effective?
Still blaming foils are shitty built and breaking?
Oh days no video after two days britannia not really looking good?
Pretty quiet on the channel the last couple of days…….
The sailing data shows that Taihoro & Britannia are very close
Just goes down to a few subtle points as who wins the start, who wins the first cross & who makes the first stuff up
If you can win the start, win the first cross & not make the first stuff up you’re probably going to win
Time for another video ?
Signs point to no
Who got exposed and spanked ?

Hay Mozzy, where are you?
Where are you now the Ineos down 3-0?
Let’s make history and rename it the New Zealand Cup already
Maybe a bit less cocky now? All the Rule Britannia pomp, empire nostlagia and unsportly attitude are not of much use when they are not the better sailors.
I'm here from the not-too- distant future to tell you all this: Victory is SO tantalisingly close after an evenly, faultlessly executed fourth race, that the Britons can surely almost sense that silvery tang in their nostrils. Those Barcelona waves seem almost itching to be ruled…
Man oh mmaann…!
As the data always suggested, there is nothing, NOTHING whatsoever between the inherent speed of the boats upwind, in a perfectly even 10 knot breeze with minimal seaway.
However, either NZ have hunted through the fluff in their metaphorical pocket liners to somewhere eke out a percent or two to match GB's blistering downwind Vmg, hitherto consistently a wee tad higher than theirs, or the tricksy Kiwibirds are gaining JUST enough on each gybe to keep their nose in front. Stellar skills, from each of these truly inspiring, stunningly awesome teams !!!!
173 years?
Poppycock old chap
In 1983 a royal yacht club won it back from the bloody yanks
Royal means the Queen old boy
Again in 1995
Again in 2017 old chap
Do keep up
And in 2024 it will be defended successfully again on behalf of the King old chap
So do cheer up
Mozzy, sorry if you've already given these data, but they're not to be found on the official website.
What's the batteries' average wattage? How many cyclors are they replacing (say at 370 W/cyclor) ?
These "sailing" boats are PLUG-IN HYBRIDS! (with swappable batteries)
Or how long would wind turbines take to charge those batteries in pre-race, to make the boats genuinely wind powered?
Or how noisy and obvious would a nice diesel engine have to be?
Pretty quiet around here..
ETNZ are the All Blacks of sailing never underestimate either
Looking like a slow boat back to Blighty at this stage.
Bit Quiet mozzy since the cup started are ya abit disappointed in the British??
Australia was the successful challenger through the 60's 70's and into the 80's until they eventually did the unthinkable.
When your TEAM can consistently lose less distance, very "tack and jibe" it's a sign of a team in harmony with its boat.
If Sir Benjamin Button spent more time practising and honing his team and learning the RULES, instead of pushing the protest button and muttering into the microphone, his team might be doing better.
In race 4 first leg, Team NZ tacked more and still took the leg off Team GB
standingontheshouldersofothers. From, Kopu NZ.
No videos since racing started what’s going on ?
Mossy where are you, when will we hear from you?