Fiecare proiect NEOM explicat

Fiecare proiect NEOM explicat

Descoperiți fiecare proiect NEOM dincolo de titlurile The Line. De la stațiuni futuriste precum Sindalah și Aquellum până la centre industriale revoluționare precum Oxagon, ne aprofundăm în cele 16 dezvoltări ambițioase ale NEOM care remodelează peisajul Arabiei Saudite. Explorați locuința de lux, tehnologiile inovatoare și turismul durabil de-a lungul uimitorului Golf Aqaba. Aflați despre proiecte viitoare precum Trojena, Magna și Leyja, care vor revoluționa călătoriile, stilul de viață și divertismentul. Ce înseamnă aceste mega-proiecte pentru viitorul Arabiei Saudite? Urmărește acum pentru a afla! #NEOM #TheLine #SaudiArabia


26 thoughts on “Fiecare proiect NEOM explicat

  1. Next video about
    " Red Sea Global Project "
    90 untouched Islands at red sea , 50 resorts to be completed by 2030 ,
    First phase will be completed by 2025 with 16 resorts
    3 resorts currently opened and functional .
    Total project cost 78 billion usd

  2. Sorry Prince Saudi, no one wants to travel to saudi arabia and no one will, Dubai a haven for criminals and terrorists only reason it's successful as a destination

  3. This is what happens when a monarch who lives online and loves Marvel movies is put in charge….trying to build an Arab Wakanda, some funny stuff

  4. I can already foresee many problems with these projects: a rooftop swimming pool under the scorching sun, constructing buildings so close to the mountains, issues with transportation, and the maintenance required to control the desert, etc.

  5. It's so offensive but actually how the world's nicest places run. If I won the lottery I would go for short visits. I don't see how I could live or stay long as it's mostly niche with no local food and activities of the region you are in. This is just rich holiday resorts as I see. No culture apart from that horrible building that I only can think mimics crystal structures but make it hideous with nothing natural in the design

  6. 5:54 this is so horribly industrial it makes me sick. Why not show a hidden beauty that you don't see until you actually see it. I hate these horrible structures in beautiful natural places

  7. Trojena, Sandala and maybe some of magna will happen and a massively scaled back version of the line which is only 300m tall and about 2.5 km long might be built minus the completely unfesable football stadium on the top.

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