Uriașul SuperYacht Kingdom 5KR se prăbușește în Wharf în timp ce se andocă | Clipuri SY

Uriașul SuperYacht Kingdom 5KR se prăbușește în Wharf în timp ce se andocă | Clipuri SY

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35 thoughts on “Uriașul SuperYacht Kingdom 5KR se prăbușește în Wharf în timp ce se andocă | Clipuri SY

  1. Not sure if it's true but I did hear Trump didn't pay his crew so they left and he could not get anyone else to work for him so he had to sell it. Trump is famous for not paying employees and vendors.

  2. Where are all the comments saying that the captain was hired on DEI protocols?
    Where are all the comments regarding the gender of the captain?

    Oh, they over at the videos about the ship that a woman was captain of.
    It seems that running ships in to docks, crashing them and sinking them is a male province and has been since Egyptians rowed barges on the Nile.
    How dare a woman sink a ship!

  3. Assuming the quay is a rectangular block, that’s quite a deep hole in the boat. If a lot of water was taken on, that’s also a lot of stress on the upper bow structure, which is now carrying the weight of the front of the ship.

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