Am mâncat cei mai scumpi cinci băieți din lume timp de o săptămână

Am mâncat cei mai scumpi cinci băieți din lume timp de o săptămână

Produse „silly dudes eat silly foods” ➡️ yachtober & all merch ➡️ Instagram: TikTok: https:/ / Twitter: Facebook: Canalul Shorts: @siryacht2 🎶Outro: „American Pie” de Hoodie Allen Filmat de North Shore Productions https :// Mulțumesc lui Matt pentru că ai venit în Hawaii doar ca să mă privesc cum mănânc Five Guys Miniatura de Cântec video muzical din anii 80: „Afterglow” de Evgeny Bardyuzha Provocarea alimentară din această săptămână este în Hawaii, pe insula Oahu, unde nu mănânc decât cei mai scumpi cinci bărbați din lume timp de 7 zile…


20 thoughts on “Am mâncat cei mai scumpi cinci băieți din lume timp de o săptămână

  1. Been a month since i've uploaded on here. I just wanted to say thank you so so much for the support. To see where this channel started at the beginning of the year to where it is now is a dream I will never wake up from. Much love, and can't wait to get more videos up here soon!!

  2. I eat the shells on peanuts just like him, there is no way I’m peeling those suckers plus they don’t taste as good if you don’t eat the shell with them

  3. Come to Canada 🇨🇦 and do a food challenge eating poutine. There are many variations and it’s delicious. Btw the Ottawa is the best. People will say other cities but you have to come to our capital city and see parliament

  4. Dude, you're going to have a heart attack. When someone eats too many hamburgers, they consume high levels of saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol. This will cause plaque build-up in arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis. This plaque narrows the arteries, reducing blood flow, which raises the risk of heart attacks. Kinda funny videos, but are they worth your life?

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