Duncan Garner vorbește cu Andrew Fagan despre navigarea singur în jurul lumii cu o barcă de 17 picioare și despre cartea sa Swirly World: Lost At Sea. Urmărește videoclipul complet la https://theplatform.kiwi/ Sprijiniți platforma și deveniți VIP YouTube! – https://www.youtube.com/@theplatformnz/join Join Platform Plus pentru acces și funcții îmbunătățite: https://theplatform.kiwi/platform-plus Descărcați aplicația Platformă gratuit: App Store: https://apps .apple.com/us/app/the-platform/id1596882626 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kiwi.theplatform.android Sunați la 0800 DEBATE sau trimiteți-ne un mesaj la 5050 (Standard Se vor aplica taxe pentru SMS-uri) Ascultați gazdele care vorbesc drept și libere de gândire ale Platformei în fiecare zi a săptămânii. Sean Plunket: 7:00 – 10:00 Michael Laws: 10:00 – 13:00 Leah Panapa: 13:00 – 16:00 #ThePlatformNZ
Andrew Fagan despre navigarea singur în jurul lumii într-o barcă de 17 picioare

9 thoughts on “Andrew Fagan despre navigarea singur în jurul lumii într-o barcă de 17 picioare”
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slow and uncomfortable way to go
Stupidity. he`d be at home in greens party
Goodluck sir
You're both utterly arrogant assholes. Who the hell pays to pick you up when it goes wrong and puts themselves in danger for all this adolescent bullshit?
Good on him. He's getting hammered in the comments unfairly I believe. He's had more experience than a lot of sailors that set off to sail the world. I understand the Cat 1 regs, and personally I would purchase off shore to start my adventure. Also, many way bigger more expensive yachts, well crewed, with all the latest tech, have foundered. And just ask any rescue member why they do what they do, its because they love it, its not just a job for them.
If you're confident in your and your vessels ability then all the power to you. Go for it.
Madness, impressive and good on him….but madness.
Doer or talker. Your opinion on this trip will indicate which you are
This was a great story, purchased a copy this morning . Also….
My girl thinks she’s cleopatra, I swear it’s true!
And his missus is absolute royalty.
Both kiwi icons if I dare to say