Am petrecut 2 luni reconstruind vechiul nostru iaht de croazieră, luptănd împotriva scurgerilor, îmbunătățind sisteme noi și puteți vedea ce am făcut în această compilație timelapse de 40 de minute. De la casă pentru lipite la o casă mică confortabilă pentru noi! 00:00 – 00:13 Început 00:13 – 36:46 2 luni de muncă 36:46 – 40:17 Înainte/După Mulțumiri tuturor celor care au ajutat în această mare călătorie! Avem cei mai buni prieteni! #timelapse #yachtlife #renovation Dacă sunteți, de asemenea, în căutarea unor modalități de a locui confortabil la bord – bine ați venit pe canalul nostru, deoarece vă arătăm cum ne facem iahtul confortabil pentru a trăi și a lucra (în timp ce îl facem). Patreon-ul nostru TikTok-ul nostru Instagram-ul nostru Instagram-ul lui Dima https :// Instagram-ul Anei
Barcă veche în iaht modern | Reconstrucție de 2 luni în minute ÎNCEPUT PENTRU TERMINARE | Timelapse

32 thoughts on “Barcă veche în iaht modern | Reconstrucție de 2 luni în minute ÎNCEPUT PENTRU TERMINARE | Timelapse”
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Your guess what place started leaking again?
She loved showing A's her ass
Outstanding absolutely

Bravissimi da veri artisti un lavoro ala perfezzione

…more landlubbers goin' floatin' Winnebagos! Marina now floatin' trailer park .Livin' on old boat smellin' like twenty years B O an breathin' decayed skin
You have a serious wood fungus problem at you upper deck. Any new wood should have been protected against fungus, in minimum by painting. All good wishes.
You have a serious wood fungus problem on the upper deck. Every new wooden part should have been protected against fungus. At best by painting. Wish you the best.
Nice submarine…
God! The shot with the skin coloured tights,I thought I died and went to heaven..
Its nuts how much goes into something like this.
Pretty impressive work. Using Alcantara was a great idea!
Spitzenklasse Spitzmäßig Top


Only $5 k ?
Amazing transformation.
Good job. I'm not sure if I would have approached it the same way, but nonetheless, good job.
Белврусь в эфире! Ждите, скоро и мы свою спустим на воду
Great job. Quite the undertaking.
Класс Молодцы

Great job guys… It looks amazing.
I admire your hard and beautiful work, I hope you enjoy it
Excellent work, congratulations to both of you, it's beautiful, after so many hours of effort it was worth it. Thank you for sharing with us. Greetings from Spain.
It was a very nice work, I really liked it. I wish you safe and pleasant sailing. Greetings from Istanbul.
Very big work , congratulations …
Love the yoga pants

Amazing transformation. Tremendous amount of work. You guys pulled it off And video taped it.. Huge respects
What brand leggings do you guys wear
Shit job…1 year inthe océan Big problème…bref laisse tombé
Nice work! Having grown up in the Buffalo area, it was always a pleasure to visit, in the words of Doug and Bob Mackenzie, “the great white north”
A lot of hard work & some overdue maintenance & repairs = Great job & happy boating
Fair Winds and Following Seas. Godspeed
Can’t look at these old men in women’s haidos