Acest iaht de expediție sau de explorare Cheoy Lee de 46 M a călătorit prin lume și este pregătit ca următorul ei proprietar să continue călătoria! Acest superyacht are o vopsea roșie izbitoare. În interior aveți un interior extins, cu un apartament privat al proprietarului pe puntea podului. De asemenea, un singur motor vă asigură că puteți naviga eficient în jurul lumii. Acest iaht este prezentat de Merle Wood & Associates: Acest canal nu ar fi posibil fără VOI! Fiecare comentariu, like și distribuire ajută canalul să se dezvolte. Aboneaza-te daca iti place si te prindem data viitoare! Urmăriți următorul: Extra Yachts X99 FAST SuperYacht Tour: 36.000.000 € Baglietto T52 Hybrid SuperYacht : 143′ Canados Oceanic 143 Tri Deck SuperYacht: 143′ Canados Oceanic 143 Tri Deck SuperYacht. be/s100tdNGG7U Despre Dependența de iahturi: Hei, eu sunt Tony. Vă mulțumim că ați verificat Yacht Addiction pe Youtube! Dacă îți plac iahturile, acesta este locul potrivit pentru tine! Noi tururi cu iahturi sunt disponibile în fiecare vineri. Nu lucrez în industria de iahturi și nu am experiență în navigație. Sunt doar un tip obsedat de iahturi. Alăturați-vă în această călătorie în timp ce explorez cât mai multe bărci. Croaziere, traulere, superyacht-uri, pescuit sportiv și bărci cu pânze.. Vreau să le fac tur pe toate! Urmărește-mă pe instagram: My Gear: Camera – Backup Camera – Microfon – https://amzn. la/3CTkWkA Microfon de rezervă – Gimbal – Card SD – Unele link-uri din descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs cu link-urile pe care le ofer, s-ar putea să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Acest lucru mă ajută să continui canalul Yacht Addiction cu noi tururi în fiecare săptămână! SPECIFICAȚII: Preț: 10.900.000 USD Lungime: 151 ‘pr 46m Lungime: 29′ 6″ sau 9m Pescaj: 9’ 10″ sau 3m Anul: 2012 Refit: 2023 Constructor: Cheoy Lee Model: Marco Polo 46m Cocă: 13 Oțel Motor:10hB Viteza maxima: 12 kt Viteză de croazieră: 10 kt Raza de acțiune: 6600nm Cabine: 5 Oaspeți: 11 Echipaj: 11 #SuperYacht #SuperyachtTour #YachtTour
Cheoy Lee 46M Explorer SuperYacht Tour | În interiorul unui iaht de 11.000.000 USD cu o rază de acțiune de 6600 de mile!

41 thoughts on “Cheoy Lee 46M Explorer SuperYacht Tour | În interiorul unui iaht de 11.000.000 USD cu o rază de acțiune de 6600 de mile!”
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There has been a lot of discussion about the single engine in the comments so I wanted to clarify… the jet thruster in the bow acts as the backup engine in case of emergency. It's a retractable Schottel SPJ 57 Pump Jet and AVALON can go as fast as 6 knots on just the thruster. Also, it's very common for long range commercial ships (cargo ships and tankers) to have a single engine. Cheoy Lee has a long history of building long range commercial vessels and they have been using Schottel systems on ships since the 1960s. It's a proven capability to ensure you are safe while also remaining incredibly efficient while operating the main engine. The CAT engine is also extremely reliable when maintained properly.
This yacht's sister ship MARCO POLO has the same design and it traveled 30,000 nautical miles in her first two years without issue. AVALON has also been around the world without any emergencies. A single engine may sound concerning at first but I would 100% be comfortable crossing an ocean on this vessel. -Tony
What a great Yacht. Enjoyed looking at it and hearing your commentary.
What are they asking for it?
The music is awesome!
nice vessel.
The running commentary needs polishing, beautiful yacht surprised not to see sun deck hot tub
Running commentary needs polishing nice yacht.
Variable pitch is what we had on our minesweeper, Twin screw 4 main engines.
I'll take 6 of em!!!
This is just a wank fest for morons! Old fashioned, not stylish, no engine redundancy. It’s an expensive joke.
Don’t take chances with your hearing. Always use defenders in noisy engine rooms. Just because your hearing was affected in the air force doesn’t mean you can be cavalier with it in your middle years. Deafness is very debilitating, especially socially. Great video and I enjoyed it. Thanks.
I know this is not an interior design channel, but I was disappointed to see that, from the interior, there’s no hint of the boat’s spectacular colour. Not even a lampshade or a cushion, never mind a sofa or a rug. Two chairs in the owners’ sitting room are vaguely reddy-brown, but their colour is so off, they must have been a mistake. Great video btw.
Sold, as soon as I win the lottery
Great clip, you forgot the foward garage.
It sounded like at the end you called the ship the Babalon, and im sure i seen the name Avalon on the rear the aft .WOOPS
my first trip would be to Hawaii, but im million 900 thousand short

Why is everything "Insane". I am shocked by the limited vocabulary of American presenters. A six year old British child could do better!!!
Cooktop in the galley was filthy
stop trailing off the tone when you talk, its not good at all
Is that picture on display in the living area 10:30 of Avalon in the Alaskan bay available anywhere?
Excellent presentation..
Beautiful in every possible way….However the fatal flaw is a single engine. I would never want to be in the middle of the Atlantic and have to recover from an engine issue.

Beautiful boat ,Is it also in rental programs .Also I did notice when you opened door for engineers room there was paint bubbles around the handle. Great job .
I feel that you should have waited until you had access to the entire yacht without the crew aboard, only because I believe you are showing this yacht to assist the owner in selling it? If I am wrong then please accept my apologies.
As soon as I saw all the teak I lost interest. Yikes.
One main engine? No bueno.
This is a beautiful yacht and it honestly makes the $11,000,000 price tag not seem so extreme.
Very Beautiful,
I’ll take it off your hands next Thursday for $9.5m. That’s my final offer
If that yacht was on the Great lakes caught in a winter storm . Sure bet we would be reading of her loss ..
Single engine boats don't cross oceans.
How many crew members is minimum?
My take away from this? Scheduling conflict
Yes commercial ships only have one engine, but they travel the shipping lanes, this ship does not.
No backup engine, no bueno.
Thank you for the tour. You get better every tour. My two critiques: I don’t like dining rooms that seat less than the passenger capacity; I also prefer a hot tub on the sun deck.
this is exactly what i would want on my yacht, a living room on the owners cabine beside the bedroom, for private space to not have to sit together with the guests all the time to watch tv etc.
Not one of these people " EARNED" these luxuries they will leave this earth like the poorest of the poor, and check out just like the hungry and sick, pure luck and thievery. Nobody can earn these privileges, it is all taken through scrupulous means. Questionable morals at best, I've worked hard too is it luck or is it stealing, how about the kids that are 2 years old trying to cross into the USA to feed themselves. Let's ask God that says " All men are created equal, lmfao "
Nice price for a yacht of that size
Toys? – Burgermeister meisterburger