RECENZIA mea cinstită asupra MSC YachtClub

36 thoughts on “RECENZIA mea cinstită asupra MSC YachtClub”
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AD- Thank you for watching this video and a huge thank you to MSC for inviting to check out the beautiful MSC Yachtclub! I want to make it very clear that while MSC did invite me on board for this experience my thoughts are my own and I truly did have a great time. I’m genuinely looking forward to my next visit.
Yacht club is the best. I find anything else a downgrade. Will be on board Seashore in March. Can't wait!
Damn, they really licked his asshole for this positive review.
Was specialty dining included in the yacht club price?
Escorted? I was escorted by Philadelphias finest from the staduim last week. Just kidding, love the YC on the Seashore! We did the same itinierary on the Seashore. Great time with the family. I loved rolls and salted french butter! Really special. Do yourself a favor, bring your wife next time. Treat yourselves. Cheers.
Went the 1st time in october…..husband said book again in may and didn’t care where YC went!
Fabulous treatment!
Why do they let blacks in? Its supposed to be an upscale club not waffle house.
I’m booked for next November,, Yacht Club Baby
Hey J what suites are the yacthclub suites
You missed THE most important factor in the "yacht club"…. How much is it compared to a regular Balcony? ("little" detail here)
If Bosa don't play, this team is toast, they're not going to change their scheme, they are a 4 down defense front, lets just all admit it, its over, on to the draft.
Thank you for original content that doesn't have anything to do with bad behavior, crime, etc. Please more of this kind of content.
I did the Yacht Club on Meraviglia two weeks ago and, like you, was blown away by the experience. The one thing which never worked on that ship was the "express" elevator service. It became sort of a running joke among those of us in the YC on my sailing. But otherwise, everything was so incredible that I just booked the same ship (right down to the itinerary and stateroom) for 43 days from now.
Hello brother. Just subscribed to your channel.
Getting ready to get on board MSC Seascape yacht club tomorrow, Nov 23 2024.
Can't wait to experience all those activities and premium services that yacht club provides.
The other benefit to the YC is it has interior cabins on most of their ships, and is a very affordable way to get in. Have done YC six times and mostly in these cabins. And if you book a normal MSC balcony, you can bid to get an upgrade to the YC (which we have done three times). INCREDIBLE value.
Did the Yacht Club on the MSC Seashore in September for our Anniversary and was completely blown away! Worth every penny just to get off the ship in less than 15 minutes!!
That s the first time I didn't hear you say mafia shipping company
I love MSC cruises, me and my mom went the last two years.
Boarding as a Yacht Club guest is AMAZING!! Kinda made me feel guilty passing by all the other people. Unfortunately, our butler wasn't as good as yours, but I didn't really care about that. How bout those burgers and pizza!? Best I've ever had. Disembarkation wasn't has efficient as embarkation. Yacht club luggage was hard to find in the luggage area.
If I had a dollar for every time you said "MSC Yacht Club" I'd be very rich
Dude in a cowboy hat & a speedo is a menace to society
The top 5 reasons to never cruise with carnival. #1 The drink package is deceptive; the Carnival website states that it is a Texas Law that the drink package cannot start the first day, this is a lie. Royal Caribbean next door to Carnival starts the drink package as soon as you step on the ship. This is because Royal Caribbean pays the Texas Taxes, Carnival does not. #2 The Alchemy Bar closed at 11:00 PM every night, the entire room was packed and listening to the a band play; the band left the stage early and they told me because the bar was closed. #3 It took 30-45 minutes every time to wait at Guest Services for a simple question. #4 The Karaoke Room did not have any of the regular songs that people sing, horrible technology. #5 On Tuesday, November 19th on the Carnival Breeze, just after midnight the captain sailed straight into the hurricane in the gulf of Mexico. Me and my elderly girlfriend were staying at the front of the ship on deck 6, for 14 hours straight, every 15 seconds there was a very loud banging noise and we could not sleep. I contacted Guest Services and requested a room towards the back of the ship, they refused to help and said every room was full, not true because I asked another staff member and she said there were open rooms. Never again!
We love MSC and have 2 cruises already booked for 2025. We tried Yacht Club once. It was a great disappointment. We did not receive the high level of service MSC advertised and our “butler” wasn’t any better than the cabin attendants in the rest of the ship. Maybe our experience was the exception, but we don’t plan to book Yacht Club in the future. While I do not doubt the sincerity of your review, I expect that MSC ramped up the service and attention for you and the other vloggers who have been recently invited on these cruises. Your experience was nothing like the poor one that we had.
Hello, it's Mamie with Yes, I Can Travel. I subscribed . Thanks for sharing
LOL I dropped my bag at the wrong area as well
Excellent review – already had MSC as the last cruise line to try right there with Costa and this makes me want to try MSC even less – regardless, all the best!
It looks like a great life!
My husband and I enjoyed watching you breakdance on the pool deck… We were on the same cruise as you in the Yacht Club…
I am about to do MSC for the first time in January on the Meraviglia in the Yacht Club. But WOW!!!….the Seashore Yacht Club looks so much better. And why shouldn't it. It's much newer. Especially the pool area. From the videos online, the Meraviglia Yacht Club pool area is sooo much smaller than this one. I'm looking forward to my cruise in Jan but you have made me really want to find a MSC Seashore cruise to book now. I cruise the Haven on NCL frequently, so I am really looking forward to seeing how it compares. Great video. Thanks again.
But did he like it?
I had never considered the Yacht Club, or even MSC for that matter, until you and some others documented their recent YC experience. I just might have to splurge some extra to treat my wife to this experience.
Very cool review, sounds like an awesome experience i definitely look forward to checking it out myself.
Lol, it great to get pampered every now and then