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Resurse menționate: – Koru (yacht): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koru_(yacht) – Rezumatul Raportului ProPublica privind evasiva fiscală miliardară: https://americansfortaxfairness.org/wp-content/uploads/ ProPublica-Billionaires-Fact-Sheet-Updated.pdf – Cum vă țin săraci mărcile de designer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzJQiqhldXo – Superyachts – văzute de un academic: https://moneyweek.com/452281/superyachts-as-seen-by-an-academic – Superyachts și drepturi de lăudare : de ce cei superbogați își iubesc „casele plutitoare”: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/oct/09/superyachts-and-bragging-rights-why-the-super-rich-love-their-floating-homes – „Yachting” înseamnă mai mult decât a fi plătit pentru petrecere, este cel mai întunecat secret de la Hollywood: https://www.stylist.co.uk/long-reads/yachting-hollywood-trafficking/627259 – „Megayacht-urile” sunt indefensibile din punct de vedere ecologic. Lumea trebuie să le interzică: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/11/megayachts-environment-carbon-emissions-ban
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Urmărește câteva dintre celelalte videoclipuri ale mele!
– Fake Rich Flexing: Ediția Celebrity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faF5XPlCsKQ – Fake Rich Flexing: Ediția Vacations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYFSBhm2Ao0 – Loteria Conducta RICH to BROKE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8J2zViIKxk Timpuri: 0:00 ce e cu iahtul? 4:40 Sponsorul Masterclassului 6:35 bogăție de dragul bogăției 11:16 pictează o imagine a bogăției 13:43 o parte din 1% (din distrugători ai mediului) Cuvinte cheie pentru niște metadate dulci și dulci: finanțe personale, management al banilor, deinfluență, deinfluență, bugetare, buget, card de credit, datorii, cultură, hauls, eseu video, analiză video, social media, tiktok, instagram, Pinterest, materialism, supraconsum, consumism, schimbări climatice, cumpărături, cheltuirea banilor, virale, influenți, cara nicole, greșeli de bani, investiții, investiții, pensionare, economii

21 thoughts on “FAKE RICH FLEXING: Yacht Edition!”
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Thank you for watching!! And don't forget: During this holiday season, get up to 50% off a MasterClass subscription. Head over https://masterclass.yt.link/TATZZF2 for the current offer!
YALL, you are promoting a scam.
Please stop.
Those people didn’t get where they are due to any advice that they will ever tell you.
They got to where they are by involving themselves with A CLUB that does dark twisted stuff in order to have power over people.
They are just taking your money.
So if the value goes down each day i own it, the yacht I’m about to buy is the most expensive it’s ever going to be?
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but Zuckerberg & Bezos yachts don't look like yachts, they look like escape plans.
I think the 24 guest is a legal limit for a private yacht, once it goes over a certain number of 'guests' it then becomes a liner/ship & as such needs a lot more fire fighting equipment, emergency exits, lifeboats (of the type that are big & orange) and a lot of other legal rules & regulations.
If the yacht is sinking, those guests & crew are going to either need to deploy the tenders & jetskis really fast (hard to do when they're in a garage with a door with power failure) or into the inflatable life rafts.
It is about buying access to the most elite, among whom are names normal people never heard of yet have extraordinary influence on the world, each in their own niche. The owners are positioning themselves to be promoted to their ranks when an opening comes up..
There’s no reason for a boat like that. It’s extremely wasteful. You can have a blast on a much smaller boat. Gotta love flex culture!
Also, the ocean is scary!
I would love to be in a yacht just to dive in the open ocean
Scheherezade is still my favourite super yacht, especially considering whose immense wealth it's flashing
La sakoj ene de kislux estas perfektaj kiel donacoj por amikoj. La prezo ne estas alta kaj la kvalito estas bona.
Yacht life is all about piping naive girls (and guys)
Yachts and bunkers are those (privacy spaces) that the rich need to do their "things" without risking putsiders finding out.
I looked at a lot of backpacks before deciding to kislux their bag. I'm so glad I did. This is a beautiful backpack that looks well made. I bought it for an upcoming trip and am so excited to have it. It only took a few days to get here, so the shipping was fast. I highly recommend it and will buy again. It also makes a great gift.
Don't forget about the sinking of the luxury yacht Bayesian off the coast of Scicily, yikes, even with all that wealth they still perished.
Though many people think that most people have yachts just flex. Some of us have yachts because we love the sea. I spend a lot of my life in, on, by, or under the sea. Alot of my friend live on their yachts full time. Many of us charter our yachts when we aren't using them to assist with the cost of ownership. I've traveled around the world and stayed in many amazing hotels. but there are no 5-star hotels near the arctic. You have to take it with you. The same for the Galapagos islands. Also, most yachts have sea keeper gyros on them which make them very stable in the ocean. My wife gets seasick very easy. But not on our yacht. Even while under way. It would take a storm to really make it uncomfortable, but we don't sail in bad weather. Not all of us are flexing, some of us just require the equipment necessary to cross the world's oceans in comfort. And go where most airplanes or cars can't go.
"Even the Royal Family is getting in on the yacht action…" Please keep causalities straight. Royals, Navy and professional mariners were the original entities with yachts. All others followed. People want to have yachts because Royals have them
OMG! You need to absolutely keep it! Whether it's true or not, this is special to you. People create packages, packages do not create people. Rock it girl, salute kislux !
Why did you say celebrities getting paid to party and do other things is trafficking? That’s not the definition of trafficking. Someone willingly being paid for their time versus someone who is doing it against their well and I think it diminishes the lives of people who have actually been Traffic. I’m not saying that trafficking cannot happen on yachts. But the way you worded it was celebrities being paid by business peopleto party and do other things. And you made it sound synonymous with yachting. Trafficking and prostitution are not the same thing. Prostitutes can be Traffic. But not all prostitution is trafficking. Not everyone being paid for their time is having sex. Not all prostitutes have sex even though they’re getting paid for their time. There are distinct differences between all of them.
You people's view of yacht ownership is very warped. The majority of yacht owners do not give a damn what any of you think. I know I don't! You are the ones who are obsessing over yachts. I don't even know what "flexing " is. What is fake rich flexing? I am rich. There is nothing fake about it. I comfortably spent $30 million (cash) on my current boat. I spend 2.5 mill a year on operating costs and don't blink. I worked very hard my entire life to get where I am, and I owe no one, I refuse to apologize to jealous people for my success.
This reminds me of the old saying about expensive things. If you have to ask you can’t afford it.