Căpitanul pune familia în pericol! | Halover Inlet | Bărci ondulate

Căpitanul pune familia în pericol! | Halover Inlet | Bărci ondulate

Căpitanul pune familia în pericol! | Halover Inlet | Wavy Boats #shorts #hauloverinlet #hauloverboats #wavyboats


26 thoughts on “Căpitanul pune familia în pericol! | Halover Inlet | Bărci ondulate

  1. They're Armenian people enjoying life and trusting that their children are smart enough to know better.
    Papa is on the bridge keeping a close eye.
    It looks bad to us because most Americans are soft.
    Most people in the United States and especially on social media love to shame other people for not raising their children the way that we see fit.
    I was born here in the United States and when I was a child of the 1970s you would be absolutely shocked at what I did on a daily basis and that my father observed as me making my own choices and then suffering from my choices.
    I have scars all over my body to prove this.

  2. The children are not in that much danger on such a calm day, it's clear by the comments that a lot of you people have no clue about boats. What it's don't mean anything, otherwise you would never leave home.

  3. What a total jackass by the time they slide off the front down underneath and threw the prop. Maybe he will check a couple texts before he notices.

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