Tiktokkers super bogați trăiesc vieți nebune

Tiktokkers super bogați trăiesc vieți nebune

Vizionarea sinceră a videoclipurilor cu femei bogate care își trăiesc cele mai bune vieți este plăcerea mea vinovată: https://www.tiktok.com/@mei.leung?lang=ro chloe: https://www.tiktok.com/@chloeabeth4545 Avertisment: Vă rugăm să NU trimiteți ură nimănui menționat în videoclipurile mele. Tot ceea ce se spune este pretins și există întotdeauna două părți în fiecare poveste și adevărul. ▶ Consultați arta și resursele mele aici: kofi: https://ko-fi.com/katliente/ etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/KatlienteTwitch ▶ Alte rețele sociale: twitch: https://www. twitch.tv/katliente/about instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katliente.ttv/ twitter: https://twitter.com/katlienteee tiktok: Etichetele https://www.tiktok.com/@katliente, ignorați-le! twitch streamer, twitch streaming, în creștere pe twitch, 0 spectatori, afiliat twitch, streamer, rivali twitch, dramă twitch, configurare streaming, știri, vtubers, artă digitală


46 thoughts on “Tiktokkers super bogați trăiesc vieți nebune

  1. I wouldn't even know what to do with that much money after a few months maybe having fun spending~ I would just help out friends and fam, and be happy I could continue teaching without stressing where the money for rent comes or even teach for free just because I enjoy it!

  2. To me, a loving parent doesn't just spoil their kid, but sets them up to have ambitions to work for things in order to be rewarded, appreciate the little things that you can't always have immediately and enjoy them when they come, respect for others whether they are better or worse off and kindness/empathy – all things that having everything handed to them fails to teach. These people are takers, and will grow up to only take from others because they have no sense of value in anything.

  3. I respect the first creator for her self awareness and gratefulness of her situation.
    It makes her come off as REALLY mature and not taking it for granted.
    The second one however… Her dryness and her spending habits make me shudder.

  4. I don’t have hate for the people that grow up like this, but it does make me sad to still be struggling financially my whole life without any improvements in sight 😅😅

  5. Meanwhile my mom had a severe mental breakdown in 2014 because despite working two jobs she STILL couldn't afford rent, bills and food and had to give us to her parents because CPS would have taken us away and split us up for foster. We didn't even have beds when we lived with her.

    Plus we were homeless at some point when I was a kid.

    As of now living paycheck to paycheck, no full-time job wants to pay enough to cover rent let alone bills and food, my body is literally breaking down on me and I have to take time off of work so I can get my tumor removed before it kills me-if I wasn't still living with family I'd be homeless again.

  6. wdym you would be bored with money??? You can do your hobbies and not be constantly worried abt taxes, food, rent(you would buy a fucking land and build your dream hous) and health. You can travel.
    This is such a privileged statement. A lot of people can't do theit hobbies and live a boring life of working. It's HELL.

  7. Parent can give their children nice stuff and both teach them how to make money i would want my kids to have a good life with money if i have money to do that

  8. I grew up in a very rural area with a small school. A lot of kids had poor families including my own. I'll never forget, there was a kid in school that had a family that owned 2 houses and we only know that because their son would brag about it. Basically compared to all the other kids in school, his family was very wealthy. I remember one day in middleschool gym class, another boy accidentally stepped on the shoes of the kid from the rich family. They were playing basketball, it happens, you know? The rich kid started yelling at the other boy, "My shoes are more expensive than your entire outfit!". The other boy just kinda stood there in silence. He seemed embarrassed and I felt bad for him. I dunno why I held on to the memory for so long. It randomly comes back to me.

  9. I don't care for people spending huge amounts of money. I don't care about expensive things either. Materialism is a learned behaviour. My most valued possessions are hand-made items, mostly from my mother. My hat, a couple of her paintings, a rag quilt she made for me from my ripped pajama pants. Even if I had millions, these would still be my favourite things. I just don't get why anyone would care about a bag some uber rich person designed and then paid some starving factory worker peanuts to make to turn around and sell it for thousands of dollars to some other rich vapid person who only wants it for posturing reasons.

    The bag I use every day i bought in 2008. It's literally falling apart, and even if I could afford to replace it, I wouldn't want to. I tried once, replacing it with a variant of the same model and hated it. It was all wrong, even with just a few changes. I will be making my own version of it when I find the right material, because it's finally at the point to where it's becoming unusable.

    I think the only thing I would spend money on if I had oodles of it, would be improving the lives of my friends and family, and other people. I really appreciate the lady that was talking about giving big tips, because that is what really helps people. I just wish that things were more equal between people, but these videos really don't feel like bragging. The bragging is what really turns me off most rich people. I have friends who are ridiculously rich in comparison to myself (who has next to nothing), but they never say anything about how much they have, or what they earn at their good jobs. I love them to bits for being humble about their wealth, especially around me who can't even seem to find basic work.

    When someone who's rich says they're surprise to learn about what's considered a luxury is exactly why we shouldn't spoil kids with luxury goods. They don't learn that there is such inequality in this world that there are people who have to choose whether to feed themselves or pay their rent (and most of the time they can't even do either one), despite working 2 or 3 jobs. I wish we could teach more of these things to these people so that they know–because it's clear that they have no idea what's happening outside of their bank accounts.

  10. So basically, if it’s for a certain age past 18, you could technically sue to get access to it at 18. It’s a really quick process, it’s usually in and out of the court room.

  11. if i only had 10% of the wealth they have , i wouldve been set for life…smh. yes iam friggn envious, because i with my mom only can spent 50€ in a week, because we cant afford more

  12. I just cant get passed the disgust. That along the way for these people to garner this wealth, someone was taken advantage of, a land was stolen or ravaged of its natural resources, or someone went without… its so gross. Happy they r happy but god i hope they do good with that money alongside live blissfully seperated from going to bed hungry, cold, or without stability..

  13. nahhh you can't grow up with this much wealth without being out of touch w normal people. went to uni w someone like this. it makes you unaware of how most people live and unsympathetic to people who struggle with money bc of how they were born. they're also Terrible at money management – the person i knew didn't care when she failed medical exams bc daddy would just pay for the retake

  14. It's sad that we people stereotype rich teenagers.. like not all rich girls are spoiled like its they're life.. not ours if they wanna spend it, let them spend it like its not our business to judge them

  15. The only truly eyebrow-raising thing she said was that she didn't want to use her own money to get piercings, she "wants to use her dad's money"…
    This would virtually be her ONLY expense.

  16. Hitting that nail on the head. Most rich just find ways to get richer, as you said, they're bored. What else do you do but make your money make more money?

  17. What's an admin fee? That just seems like these clubs are charging them extra because they know they're wealthy. ~ She called her brother a freeloader so probably. 😂 ~ Set a timer for the free parking. 😂 ~ I don't care how people spend their or their parents'money. Not my business and just because they don't talk about it, doesn't mean they don't give to charity.

  18. I’m growing up with a wealthy family and like most of my friends don’t know bc I don’t like to talk abt my parents business but what I will say is that most rich families tend to buy less like for example one time my friends were talking abt how they only get 2 things from their fav stores but like that’s normal for me 😭😭

  19. yea no i am hating, idc if they’re ‘not bragging’ it does upset me. these ‘cute’ lil videos talking about it like its nothing while people all over the world are struggling to get by everyday and living on the street.

  20. And thank you for sharing this in your video, kat, bcuz i would never try to look for how rich people, especially kids of millionaire/billionaire, life and spend their money lol. Now I know, even just a glimpse of it bcuz of this video of yours. I mean i can only imagine how, but my god this is 🤯

  21. I wish people could stop hating on people for having money its her money she can use it how she wants y'all need to stop being mad at people and maybe try to do something to get a savings or save up money to get to where she is. I also hope to get somewhere she's at I wanna do this I wanna be able to spend money on things I want

  22. I don't exactly get rich people if i had that kind of money. I'd actually end up doing the likely low paying job that i actually love or dive into my hobbies, making people smile with it, tbh instead of doing nothing and laze around

  23. My question is…why is it rich parent's first thought to give their baby an expensive bag? Like what about the toys (learning and otherwise)? Something they'd get more use out of. No, just a bag so ya'll can "twin". 

    Also, I think it's different with people who grew up with money compared to people who come into money. Yeah, they'd get bored of spending their money pretty quick if it's all they knew. But I promise you, I would not get bored. And not in the sense that I'd get tired of spending it, but because I would be able to live comfortably and that's enough for me.

    ALSO ALSO, where the rich folks at that have a Beast's Castle library??? Why is it always cars, bags, jewelry, and make up? GIVE ME A WHOLE FLOOR OF JUST BOOKS.

  24. Siiiigh. The way I feel watching These TikTok’s is how I feel about my aunt.
    My parents and I are very low class and trying to make ends meet. And my aunt married rich and therefore her lifestyle and the lifestyle of my cousins is just such a different one from what my reality is.
    I love them to bits. And I am glad they having a good life … but man, I WISH I had money to get my life in order without struggling. 🤷‍♀️

  25. To be honest these are just basic rich girls, that makes boring TikTok’s – I prefer the ones that actually let the viewer experience their wealth, through trips, galas, polite society events, weddings videos without the talking etc but I wish everyone happiness health and wealth whomever is watching this – do not forget YOU create your own reality 🎉❤

  26. Call me bitter and jealous but even if they're humble about it, it pisses me off. As someone who struggled a lot financially growing up, no matter how hard I try, I always dislike rich people. And yes I know it's not healthy, and I do keep it to myself; I don't go around shtting on people for being rich.

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