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Prins în cabine timp de 30 de ore | Respirația prin „Minune” | SY News Ep408

36 thoughts on “Prins în cabine timp de 30 de ore | Respirația prin „Minune” | SY News Ep408”
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I did some telecommunications work in the Middle East for a couple of years and quickly learned that the standard answer when something “bad happened” it was “Allah’s will” and when something “good happened” it was “Praise Allah.” In short everything that happened regardless of it being good, bad, or indifferent was somehow/someway related back to Allah. I am not knocking anyone’s religious beliefs but rather pointing out that no one wants to take responsibility for their actions especially if something happens and a person is injured, hurt, or killed
Looks top heavy
Well, Egyptians did a better job than the Italians for saving lives from a sunken yacht. We have to give them this.
On my recent live abroad 1 month ago (on a other boat) our 2 life raft pods had ratchet straps around the pods and maybe even to the deck/frame and last year even the eprib was mounted inside the captains hut but was moved to outside this year did i see. so yeah if this go wrong they go very wrong.
These vessels may be up to code that you were talking about Egyptian levels of safety, I have been to Egypt diving since 1997 and there was no code as far as I was concerned it's all about making money and paying off the official…
Your headline is as misleading as the comments from the Egyptian authorities
Thanks for your expert analysis
I'm very disappointed that people are prepared to risk their lives without some sort of due diligence before committing themselves to what could turn out to be a watery grave, it borders on stupidity.
Right it could have been a poorly made/operated boat. Looks chinese to me.
If they sailed to dive, weather could have been good enough to allow for scuba operations by amateurs and tourists divers. The huge wave is BS, the boat was built with cardboard
Wind is the only thing that can cause ship capsizing waves?
thanksfor the info'I immediatly booked a cruise for my ex wife as a parting gift. She loves diving.
It's doubtful you would get honesty in such parts of the world.
The key to this is noone has said what state the vessel was in when it sunk. Was it at anchor? Was it underway? If underway, was it headed into the waves. For such a vessel to sink requires more than just leaning over. Stinks of profiteering over safety.
Absolutely no way that was just one wave that took her down. The Egyptians are shit with their boats. They have no regulations.
the usual fake story line from egypt and all those arabic states that give a shit on democracy and do only care about their own business.
An operator who had lost 3 ships in 3 years is called safe ?
Can only happen in egypt and remembers me of the 80 s hit: walk like an egyptian
which was hitting our nerves every single day in the mid eighties.
I had been in that region back when Iraq had invaded Kuwait in 1990 and guess what had happened back then: We did not get any news except from phone calls and warning from relatives until even those had been stopped while talking when the topic kuwait was touched.
Egyptian kind of freedom of speech for tourists even in the 90s.
Many of those big red sea liveaboards are built without naval engineering the hull is not designed to carry 3 or 4 decks. The stability test is successful with money under the table.
Great coverage. In fact, this is the only place I can find such updates. Egypt is a developing/emerging economy, and I dare say, standards in any other African country are similar or worse. That said, not all companies are equal, gotta do research to find the good ones. Unfortunately, most tourists want the cheapest option.
Egypt, Tailand, Indonesia, Malasia, Philipines, Viet Nam etc, countries where diving is always a big risk….
3:35 Titanic was "up to code"
I lived 10 years in Egypt and joined 12 diving liveaboard trips in Egypt between 2013 and 2024 (all boats still operate). Now my take is that the wooden boats made in Egypt are often poorly constructed with poor safety standards and "nice weather boats". Egyptian crew members and captains are nice and funny people but often not educated and trained sea man and almighty "Allah" is more important than technique and safety standards. Ultimately the Egyptians have never been and will never be a people with a tradition of boat construction and true sea men mindset. However, I will book again at any time a diving trip on a Egyptian liveaboard boat I joined the past 10 years and place reliance on the boat and crew members.
From the moment someone decides to make a trip, the unexpected can happen at anytime
You have to understand the risks involved in what you are planning, before making any decision
Unfortunately there are many countries whose governments and relevant authorities instinctively leap into reputation damage limitation mode when accidents happen, especially when foreign tourists are involved. This doesn’t mean that the rescue organisations don’t try their best to save people but very often their training and equipment is sub-standard compared with the countries where the involved tourists are from. Investigations tend to be more for show and looking for opportunities to blame something or somebody that deflects attention away from true causes which would put the spotlight on corners being cut to save money, usually at the expense of cheaper bribes. It’s sickening and usually it is only a matter of time before history repeats, again because the priority is to cover up weaknesses which fixing would take money out of the pockets of corrupt people. MH370 was and still is a classic example of government officials repeatedly being caught lying by the fact that foreign journalists were asking the questions that local ones daren’t ask because they knew they would be made to pay for being ‘unpatriotic’. These regimes are not accustomed to having to tell the truth, so when they are caught out, they instinctively try new lies and end up creating new reputational damage beyond what the incident itself created.
I would not be surprised if your candour in this video has made certain people beyond angry and looking for ways to ‘punish’ you – I hope it comes to nothing and that truth wins the day.
I was in Hurghada when the boat sank. In the early morning there was no wind at all. So i highly doubt, that a wave hit the boat. My suggestion is, it sank due to bad maintainence and poor condition of the vessel itself
these stories sound like first class insurance scams. not surprising seen the country.
Who was the Captain…?
Has the captain been arrested…?
Why are there no photos taken / allowed of the sunken yacht.?
Is the media allowed to talk to the crew…?
Who are the stakeholders of the company that owned the 4 sunken yachts…?
Has the Egyptian Government taken any corrective action after 4 yachts belonged to the same company sank at the same area in the span of 2 years…? Of course not…
Was the yacht anchored over 40 feet deep coral rocks…?
Was the seaworthy certification made by an international office…? Lloyd's, Bureau Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping…? Or equivalent…?
Was the yacht, crew, and passengers insured by an international entity…?
Well, the passengers can tell a lot after they return to their home countries… Not before..
UK and EU ought to issue the appropriate warnings
towards boarding this kind of substandard yachts / vessels…
I reckon it hit a rock or some coral
They are the biggest liars on a Planet !
It’s not safe to be a tourist in countries that don’t value safety in all manner. There are a lot of poor countries that live of tourism but don’t have or care for safety of visitors to their countries let alone their own people
Yeah, "..a huge wav did it.." this is code for the defense of its' an act of God or nature so there is no liability for the rich and politically connected vessel owners.
Thank you for keeping us all informed. You always have to wonder when visiting these "tourist" destinations just how safe the travel boats truly are. Many a "tender" port on cruise ship days, I've wondered, just how safe the little boats that come from these islands are.
Not boat related but, i remember being on a tour in Mexico and as I walked by the Bus Driver station, I noticed Vice grips in not one but, two locations. One for the HVAC, and the other for the Turn signals on the steering column, and this was a bus holding 65 passengers. What is the rest of the safety of this vehicle like??
Sad that this incident happened, can't imagine the terror these people had for 30 hours!!!
Any news on the Irish person/s who were on board?????
The yacht that sank in France, claiming the life of British tech billionaire Mike Lynch, was called the Bayesian. This luxury superyacht, 56 meters long and valued at approximately $18 million, sank off the coast of Sicily after being struck by a freak waterspout (essentially a sea tornado). The incident occurred in August 2024, and the yacht was carrying 22 people at the time, of whom seven, including Lynch, tragically lost their lives.
NOW ANALYSE THIS….. I will never sail in Europe
My friend and her fiance are still missing (both brits) due to the lack of info from Egyptian officials, we are doing our own investigations.
I'm looking for anyone who saw the sea story boat sink in Marsa Alam OR saw any part of the rescue
Would also be interested in contacting anyone who has previously been on the vessel please
Looks fishy to me. I certainly wouldn’t be going anywhere near Egyptian dive boats! Smacks of systemic corruption to me. Why would authorities be the first to LIE about both incidents?