Muzicieni care și-au prezis perfect propria moarte | xQc Reacționează

Muzicieni care și-au prezis perfect propria moarte | xQc Reacționează

Videoclip de SunnyV2: Transmite în flux în fiecare zi pe Twitch și Kick! Rămâneți conectat cu xQc: ►Twitter: ►Reddit: xqcow/ ►Discord: ►Instagram: ►Snapchat: xqcow1 Dacă dețineți material protejat prin drepturi de autor în acest videoclip și aș dori să fie eliminat, vă rugăm să mă contactați la unul dintre următoarele: ► ► #xQc #sunnyv2


48 thoughts on “Muzicieni care și-au prezis perfect propria moarte | xQc Reacționează

  1. not ppl clowning on peep man, he has pretty good and profound songs, most of his music sounds like a memorial or a personal diary. and the way they handled his music after he died it's similar with Mac, they treated his stuff with respect unless how it has been with x and Juice.

  2. juice said in “underwrld”, “im getting higher and higher, pill pop shawty, i do not need a lighter, heart stop shawty, imma go out flying, lemme stop playing bitch, i already died”. he then overdosed on a plane.

  3. the guy accidentally saying he had a lil peep "memorial" was so sad to hear. its one thing he was predicting his own death but having someone else kind of confirming it is scary/heartbreaking

  4. lmao, I mean, if you make bad choices you die young, it's easy to predict your young death when you continuously take part in unwise behavior.

  5. 10:50 to answer xQc's question, chat is partially right but the main reason fent is laced with drugs like coke is simply because dealers are sloppy when packaging product. They'll use the same scale they used to weigh coke with fent resulting in cross contamination, also dealers are high 90% of the time so they're literally unaware of cross contamination when packing drugs. its purely by accident because killing off your customers results in loss of profits and heavy sentencing.

  6. These guys have so much money yet they decides to spent it on drugs. Also, if I know I'm being targeted by the hood or Diddy, I will not stay there. I will go to Thailand or something far and stay low for a couple of years. The fact that they stayed means they don't care if they will get shot or not. You might argue well what about the family they left behind? If you die, you don't have to worry about your family anymore. Save yourself first or best case scenario bring you family together with you.

  7. Juice didn't overdose on codiene it was the morphine and oxy..
    ofc the codiene didn't help but when there's actual people who have died from lean abuse it comes off disrespectful just because people want to fit their own little story in
    He rapped about percs plenty so just say that? Why lie??

  8. its definitely not like some of them were the reasons they would die and just say how they felt in their head (more so for the musicians who predicted overdosing, gang violence leading to murder, or suicide)

  9. lets break down the mac miller thing. he was a drug addict, he wanted cocaine, the cocaine he purchased was laced with fentanyl. why was it laced with fentanyl? to save the dealer money and to boost up his product to appear like he had more stock. why would the dealer do this knowing fentanyl is lethal in small doses? because they are drug dealers and dont give a fuck about you and your health, they profit off making you fucked up. why would the dealer want to kill his customer with lethal additives? because he doesnt give a fuck about anyone and wants to make quick money. does not give a fuck about returning customers. dealers who need to increase their product stock by lacing it with shit cant afford to not rely on returning customers.

    xQc needs to remember that no one in the drug world is your friend, they are all business, and dont care about you, hence why they are supplying things that make you fucked up and enable you to ruin your life. Mac Miller being a druggie doesnt have the ability to reason with himself as to why a drug dealer might fuck with him, because all his brain can process is "i see drug, i want drug, i buy drug" and not anything else

  10. On macs death it wasn't about cheapness or anything it was about availability the texts they realized was showing mac not even wanting half the things they got him and he was waiting for a long time for them

  11. fentanyl is not about being cheaper its about making the drug more addicting so the customer keeps coming back and is less likely to go to someone else or quit

  12. 13:40 they definitely do mix fentanyl into cocaine. Don’t ask me why but they do. They’re both white. A lot of people have died off what they thought was coke but was laced with fentanyl . Mainly it’s fake percs/roxies that people put fent in. But if you actually take roxies/percs a lot you can easily tell if it’s a fake pill or not just by looking at it. So alot of people take the fake one on purpose and it’s stronger than they thought and od

  13. 3 of those people were drug addicts.. they didn’t predict their deaths.. they straight up told people what they were gonna do

  14. my brother predicted his death 2 months ago. he called my nan and said “my mom died at 28” and that night he died in his sleep. he said the comment about our mom because he had recently turned 28

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