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Viața Laurei Dekker DUPĂ navigarea Solo în jurul lumii | Pasul 420

46 thoughts on “Viața Laurei Dekker DUPĂ navigarea Solo în jurul lumii | Pasul 420”
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Go to for 4 extra months of Surfshark at an unbeatable price!
Don't forget to check out Laura's website:
With t-shirts and shorts on while you guys are wearing beanies, down jacket, fleece and all haha 😂.
Legends! Truly inspiring!
Thanx 🙏
My heart is so full right now..!! Beautiful people and a totally wholesome life goal.
Such an amazing episode – I had no idea..!! ❤❤
Your absolute best episode in the 5+ years we have watched you. EXCELLENT job of interviewing Laura, Kika. Dan obviously linked up well with the fellows. Loved it.
What a great interview! I love that you got to share Ms Dekker's continuing story. I remember watching the movie about her with my kids. Her early life is such an empowering and supporting story and how great is it that she's still bringing that to the new generations! Thank you Dan and Kikka! You're such great interviewers.
Well done, Laura Dekker!
That's not intense, that's in a boat!
That was sooo cool!
What a great episode. Really enjoyed.
Thanks for sharing this!
Aww, Dan, when you pick up the camera you're supposed to say "You're coming too." (re: Salt and Tar intro)
The only time that I recall seeing a child riding a bicycle in a life jacket!
It is a little early for them to worry but I learned, as a teen, never give a teenager a room with their own exit! Much trouble arises forthwith.
i love how the government said "no she's incapable and this is irresponsible" then a judge said "ehh get a bigger boat and your good" 😂
nice episode!
Watched the Laura Decker Documentary several times. Was very inspiring to see a young girl circumnavigate. Seeing her with a family and still sailing is just incredible to me. This might be my favorite Sailing Uma episode to date and that says a lot considering how good your content has been for years now.
Cute kids. When are you two going to start your own boat crew?
That's a beautiful boat. I really enjoyed hearing her story. I remember hearing about her when all the court issues were going on.
Laura is an absolute Rock Star of sailing, she’s so accomplished. So much praise for her and her adventures .
fantastic human beings meeting fantastic human beings is what your channel is all about.Thank you.
Thank you for sharing a beautiful story of a family sharing their own story of sailing, very much like yourselves, giving us an insight into how those who love the sea continue to delight us with your love and enjoyment with others who share there own story. Keep doing what you have been, giving those of us who love the sea and adventure, a life we will never have. Thank you Alan
great vid. awesome boat tour.
My sailing heroes hanging out and hugging!!
Best episode ever!!
Love you guys ❤️
Awsome interview,,,
This one was cool! Thanks Dan and Kika. Laura is an inspiration and so cool to learn about her current project and boat!
This was really awesome! Loved every minute of it! Such a beautiful convergence of sailors
The Netherlands have a great maritime tradition. Laura Dekker is without a doubt one of modern day heroic figures in that tradition. 🇾🇪 💪
I always wondered how her life went after all the attention died down. Thanks for video.
that was refreshing and super interesting
Wow, Laura is amazing, great interview !
Great episode!
Watched this episode on my own boat in Den Osse Netherlands where Laura's dad had his ship for several years. Spoke to Laura on a couple of occasions when hauling out. Her dad used to operate the crane and she and I would scrape of the barnacles. Don't know if I would have liked my son doing the same thing as Laura at that age but then again they're quite different types.
Loved this! Laura is such a wholesome badass ❤
Bless you and for the inspiration and courage that YOUR JOURNEY has brought to ANYONE / GIRLS AND BOYS because of the dedication and willingness to make that happen 🎉 please remind the world that while it was a SOLO NAVIGATION,,it could not have happened without a few AIDS and ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS… Bless you and your family 😂❤
You women are so cool, courageous, adventuresome and brave. I know you must have had a lot of difficult times, but overall it seems to me like it must be a wonderful adventure. I have traveled a lot around the world but have never been a sailor. Seeing your series makes me wonder if I missed out on something wonderful. Best wishes from Australia.
Solo circumnavigated at age 14! I feel inspired. Their boat, a work in progress, is fabulous. I really like ketch-rigged boats for a number of reasons: balanced sail plan, less stressed spars, and redundancy should one spar fail. I haven’t seen a catamaran that is ketch-rigged, but it would seem to be a solid way to go for larger cats.
Anyway, this was a very interesting interview and tour.
I love the name of the boat so cool!
Wow, my two favourite zeilmeisjes in one vlog
OMG It's such a great video! THank you so much!!!!!
Best sailing video ever. Sailing starts in your heart and mind, everything else follows. Thank you for sharing your true passion, it brings so many good memories back.
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And so many web pages don't play when VPN on
Well done!
Do you have a month off the boat work? It's OK, could just said that, instead of feeding us this or a truck tours lol.
Two of my heroes meet a third of my heroes and a fourth hero appears – goosebumps! I'm so happy you know each other and share your amazing experiences! You're such accomplished sailors! It's one thing to go blue-water sailing for an extended period of time, but to master all the crafts needed to restore and maintain a sailboat in addition to being that kind of a sailor is really, really impressive! Well done! ❤
Great episode. I am a big fan of Laura. She is so down to earth. Very happy that she and her family have found their space.