Tur de iaht de 3,1 milioane de lire sterline: Sunseeker Predator 65

Tur de iaht de 3,1 milioane de lire sterline: Sunseeker Predator 65

Sunseeker Predator 65, elegant și sexy. Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ În asociere cu: https://www.cmf-uk.com/ https://www.scanstrut.com/ https://www. .garmin.com/ https://www.ultramarine-anchors.com/?utm_source=yw&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Aquaholic_january Preț este doar în scop orientativ și poate varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificație. Cu mulțumiri: https://www.sunseekerlondon.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https:/ /facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vedeți mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


43 thoughts on “Tur de iaht de 3,1 milioane de lire sterline: Sunseeker Predator 65

  1. Fab! Thank you Nick. A great tour and not rushed, what with it being a smaller vessel and all that. I love this size. While I mention it, thanks for saying how tall you are and showing the head room, it really helps to put scale to things. I always wonder how much headroom there is in the engine rooms of the bigger yachts… if you can remember that next time please! 😃😃😁😁
    Cheers Nick.

  2. Veramente molto ben progettata.
    Ottimo l'uso degli specchi posizionati per ampliare gli spazi nei punti critici e illuminare gli ambienti.
    L'uso della silestone non è fra i miei materiali preferiti, ma concordo che l'abbinamento con linee moderne e più giovani ha un senso in questo caso specifico.
    Un po' sacrificato il vano motore ma d'altronde non si può avere tutto e visto il risultato finale…ci sta.
    Grazie bella presentazione.

  3. Oo la la, suddenly I’m a sport boat lover! It’s just amazing how they can design a boat to be so livable and so sleek and sporty. I’ve watched enough of Nick’s videos I’m able to guess the horse power half way through.
    Stunning quality. The only thing I would change is adding a utility room with a washer and dryer so I wouldn’t have to interrupt my daughter’s boyfriend. As always Nick, much appreciated tour.

  4. I love the the boat, but the helm is kinda ugly and cheap looking, it looks like they wanted a fast look, but no…. it's just messy. I would like too see a much more sleek and tidy look on the helm, those round gauges with the curvature around them just looks like a cheap toy too me. I know Sunseeker can do better, and they will

  5. Hi Nick, love the Sunseekers of late….just a big boat question…do these luxury builders have thoughts of "extreme servicing", let say these engines had to come out for what ever reason, they seem pretty well packaged in there below a tender garage. Is there a really big flip top lid 😉😉

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