Cine se conectează cu Chase??? #belowdeckpodcast

Cine se conectează cu Chase??? #belowdeckpodcast

Săptămâna aceasta, pe podcastul nostru de recapitulare Sub punte, vorbim despre Yacht cu vele sub punte Sezonul #5 Episodul #10 Ne vedem săptămâna viitoare!!! Spune-ne părerile tale despre această săptămână și previziunile pentru săptămâna viitoare pe Below Deck! Patreon-ul nostru: Instagram-ul nostru: Tiktok-ul nostru: .dexperts #belowdeck #belowdeckpodcast #belowdexperts #belowdeck #belowdeckpodcast #belowdecksailingyacht #belowdeckrecap #belowdecksailingyachtrecap #belowdecksailingyachtrecappodcast Comentează cuvântul zilei! Nota săptămânii a lui Lane: Mă culc la 8:45 acum. Este uimitor. Ne vedem saptamana viitoare!!


8 thoughts on “Cine se conectează cu Chase??? #belowdeckpodcast

  1. Oof sorry Lane, Morgan was right. It was mango! Also, I noticed right away the guest were gonna be annoying because they were mad about the way that the seating was like that it was a booth basically. So as soon as they started nitpicking at stuff and I was like oh God.
    For the bingo card, wasn’t the dinner with the mango egg a 4 course thing?
    Feel better Morgan!

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