Libertatea în sfârșit – Sailing Helios S02E27 #corinthcanal

Libertatea în sfârșit - Sailing Helios S02E27 #corinthcanal

În ultimele câteva săptămâni, zilele noastre au fost totul despre repararea lucrurilor pe barcă și așteptarea răbdătoare a sosirii pachetelor. Dar acum, cu totul aranjat, suntem în sfârșit liberi să pornim din nou. Pe măsură ce vara începe să se stingă, este timpul să ne îndreptăm spre vest, spre destinația noastră de iarnă din Tunisia. În primul rând, totuși, luăm o scurtătură prin emblematicul Canal Corint în Golful Corint, unde suntem tratați cu ancoraje frumoase și o navigație fericită pe apă plată. Pentru conținut suplimentar, vizitați site-ul nostru: Găsiți-ne pe Facebook: Găsiți-ne pe Instagram: /


38 thoughts on “Libertatea în sfârșit – Sailing Helios S02E27 #corinthcanal

  1. Dear Jude, lovely video. If only you could be walking topless wearing only bikiny by the end of the video. You look georgeous and you would be admired by whoever look at you from front and behind. You look stunning wearing long black dress anyhow. You are gifted by being natural princess of sea. Your beautiful voice and wonderfull ability to comment whatever you do makes the video enjoyable to watch and listen again a again).

  2. 12.13.24 I had never heard of the Corinth Canal, but I recognized it immediately. It is a common back drop for movies and documentaries. I enjoyed this very much as the sun set in New England, -3C and clear. 🙂 It was interesting to see you prep the flag loops by sewing them to fit. As a guy, I would have scrounged around to find mechanical snaps or other metal hardware. I think your method was more satisfying.

  3. 2500 years to build the Corinth Canal … looks like public works programs haven't changed that much over history. A beautiful cruising ground and good to see you back sailing. FYI Russia is blocking starlink in Ukr and the Black Sea – this won't effect you unless NATO enlarges the war … Fair winds – 😊🇦🇺

  4. Team great channel and well done for doing this adventure…. not being a wanker but run your tender out further when you are under way..…… just some friendly advice …. safe winds……

    Only reason for advice experienced offshore and cruising sailor ….

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