Weekend-ul meu de 1.000.000 USD pe un Mega Yacht de 250 de picioare (F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

Weekend-ul meu de 1.000.000 USD pe un Mega Yacht de 250 de picioare (F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

Urmăriți cum vă puteți începe sau crește afacerea prin e-com la 6/7 cifre în 90 de zile: https://lp.millionaire-commerce.com/online-training ➤ Urmărește-mă pe Instagram: https://www.instagram. com/sonuha/ ➤ Verificați marca mea: https://icon-amsterdam.com/ ➤ Urmărește rezultatele studenților mei: https://www.youtube.com/@millionaire-commerce ➤ Începeți propriul magazin Shopify pentru 1 EUR/lună: https://www.shopify.com/free-trial?partner=5770266&affpt=excluded&iradid=1061744


50 thoughts on “Weekend-ul meu de 1.000.000 USD pe un Mega Yacht de 250 de picioare (F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

  1. Abother new Internet clown. Not hating because you got money. But stating facts your a clown for doing the same thing niqqas been doing since 1980s lol anotherther the wana be you man are clown. Show us something new ???

  2. What do you call this motivation 😅😅😅😅😅 the whole time look at me look at me I have money go and get a wife make children your childish

  3. Love the lifestyle in general, congrats bro. The only thing disturbing me always are just the girsl only being there for the money and not real close relationships. As soon as you loose the money they are gone as well. But hey the money is still great don´t get me wrong. 😀

  4. Bro love the videos inspired af getting motivated to come to Dubai but yo where’s the diversity in women out there? No Black or Asian girls? Just white/spaniards? I think the girls in Amsterdam better

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