Săptămâna aceasta, pe podcastul nostru de recapitulare Sub punte, vorbim despre Yacht cu vele sub punte Sezonul #5 Episodul #11 Ne vedem săptămâna viitoare!!! Spune-ne părerile tale despre această săptămână și previziunile pentru săptămâna viitoare pe Below Deck! Patreon-ul nostru: https://www.patreon.com/user/membership?u=122932505 Instagram-ul nostru: https://www.instagram.com/below_dexperts/ Tiktok-ul nostru: https://www.tiktok.com/@below .dexperts #belowdeck #belowdeckpodcast #belowdexperts #belowdeck #belowdeckpodcast #belowdecksailingyacht #belowdeckrecap #belowdecksailingyachtrecap #belowdecksailingyachtrecappodcast Comentează cuvântul zilei! Nota săptămânii a lui Lane: Mă culc la 8:45 acum. Este uimitor. Ne vedem saptamana viitoare!!
Prima dată a lui Danni în Master???

11 thoughts on “Prima dată a lui Danni în Master???”
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It sounds like the Gary stuff went down during the season since they stopped letting him stay in the hotel between charters and made him stay on the boat. With his whole sober night I feel like this may have been just after it happened. His introspection seemed like it was more than just the last night out with the bloody mess.
Gotta love those random tid bits of Lane lore! I love how off the rail this recap got for a bit haha
I feel like I blinked and the episode was over and I was like it’s fine I’ll just wait until y’all recap it for me just to find out we all blacked out during the show.
Eat cheese douchbag!!!!!
I don't have anything deep to say, but y'all's laughter is what makes this podcast for me. You don't take yourselves so seriously, and you respect each other, and it's just nice to watch one of my favorite shows and hear you guys laugh about it. Much love and appreciation to you both for doing this podcast, from Nashville, TN where it is very easy to drink too much
"eat cheese, douchebag" theee greatest diss
Thanks for such a funny recap, I was giggling along with you two. Eat cheese, douchebag!
Regarding the good edit Gary is getting, my guess is that this is Bravo, yet again, giving questionable/bad guys a good edit and even a chance at redemption. Look at what they did to Vanderpump Rules after "Scandoval" happened. Tom Sandoval cheats on his life partner Ariana Maddix of 9 years with one of their good friends for 7+ months, and what do producers do the next season? They try to demonize Ariana who was cheated on and lied to over and over again, and give sandoval a redemption SEASON. It was disgusting. Because of all that now they're completely recasting the show after 11 seasons and none of the original cast are supposedly returning. Bravo did all that 'save the men' stuff and it didn't even work! It's frustrating as a viewer.
Please go back and watch the season 4 reunion!! You won’t be upset
lol I immediately went to google to look for the Studio 54 logo which is literally gold and black.
I mean she asked for the theme. I agree though, I always cringe when I hear any of the crew badmouthing their guests on camera. It actually used to be much worse I think, they’re more careful now.
Eat cheese, douchbag…LOL!!
"eat cheese douchebag" hahah I def thought that was as funny as yall did
You asked about Chase and Ileisha from last season. Although Chase admitted liking her to someone on the crew, he respected the fact she was seeing someone else at the time of filming. However, Chase did make a self-deprecating move in the galley, flexing his muscles and asking Ileisha if that did anything for her. It earned him a friendly hug… on camera!
Eat cheese, douchebag
Funniest episode yet. Trying to make a yule log and can't cause I'm laughing too much. Thank you