Modele IG și fete de iahturi – COSTUL de a deveni „FLEWED OUT”

Modele IG și fete de iahturi - COSTUL de a deveni „FLEWED OUT”

Canal de rezervă ➡️ @ChokoladkaLLC2 00:00 Intro 00:28 Ch. 1: Obiectivizarea (Dating) 04:37 Ch. 2: Nimic nu este gratuit (S*x Work) 10:12 Cap. 3: Trafic**** (Contrabandă) 15:03 Mai puțin. 1: Nu fi prea încrezător 15:26 Mai puțin. 2: Totul costă 18:55 mai puțin. 3: All That Glitters 19:36 Outro #levelup #sprinklesprinkle #baddie #love #relationship #relationshipadvice #relationships #exotical #hypergamie #hollywood #celebrity #celebrities #femininity #dating #women #divest #hypergamie # #women #celebritygossip #celebritynews #celebritytea #grimes #miliardar #milionar #yachting #influencer #dubaiportapotty #onlyfans #sugarbaby #decentermen


27 thoughts on “Modele IG și fete de iahturi – COSTUL de a deveni „FLEWED OUT”

  1. Had this happened to me a couple of months ago
    I was excited to go and encouraged by few friends to go. Out of nowhere I said to myself if this guy fly me out and is paying for all the expenses he’s going to expect something in return and am not ready for that after meeting a guy in person for the first time
    So I told him to come over instead and I was going to pay for his hotel all I can say is that the numerous of reasons he had as to why it was better for me to come to him was concerning
    Very long story short
    I told him the city I live in and when he decides to continue with the relationship/talking stage I will pick him up
    Haven’t heard from him since
    Thank God for helping me have some self respect and morals

  2. When you said at his door Hot & Ready I HOLLERED 🤣💫‼️ I personally never got into this flewed out culture I was blessed to have met the love of my life and get flewed out multiple times 😅 he ended up proposing it sounds like a fairytale but I’m one of the fortunate ones because true love is rare but prayer 🙏🏽 makes everything possible ❤🎉

    Side note that Dubai ish freaked me out I saw an African woman with a dog on twitter last year and I questioned my life existence 😂😭😖🤢 just nasty

  3. heavy on the NOTHING IS FREE. as a former stripper, men always have expectations. most men do not view love or relationships the same as women. highly suggest reading the The Game: 41 shades of men by Princella Clark.

  4. Just 2 minutes into this video, I can't tell if you have never been in a situation where you were flown out, or you're just jealous of women who have been flown out. Bc what the actual fk. Low effort really? Organizing a weekend vacation where you are hosting a woman flying into your city, organizing her hotel stay, her transportation, finding activities to do during the day while she is there, finding dinner spots, and then insuring her flight back to her home for the span of two days is "low effort"? Additionally, typically women who are getting flown out are in LDR. They've been talking and FTing this man for weeks or months. Why do you think women are talking to strangers who randomly drop $500 on a plane ticket? Like girl what??? And to your point "He's going to want something in return" Discuss boundaries early, and have your own backup money just in case he acts stupid. Most of ya'll will fk a random n1gga who doesn't even answer his phone or take you on a date once and you think beinf flown out on a romantic vacation with a LD man you're dating is a "set up"? Make sure you have both your tickets/flight information before you agree to travel and make sure the hotel is already paid for. You don't have to stay with him. Not every time a man does something for a woman he's invested into, its transactoinal. Jeez.

  5. Me and my coworker talk about this before, she has a guy in her ear now trying to get her to come on vacay with him. She said straight up, “if I go with him to that resort he will never let me leave the room” 😂😂 and it’s so true. They fly you out for “fun” but you barely end up getting to enjoy the resort or explore the island.

  6. It’s not a gift when the guy is also benefiting from our presence. A gift is only sth for us. A vacation is benefitting the men. Please take care ladies ❤

  7. I had a man offer to take me to Hawaii all expenses paid. Of my course my stupid friends were trying to encourage me to go but I didn’t go. Nothing is truly free especially when dealing with men.

    I straight up asked what are your expectations of me going on this trip will we have separate rooms etc. The stuttering began.

    I think as ladies we need to stop being afraid and start being direct and upfront. It will save you in the long run. How women usually get got is wanting men to shower you with lavish gifts too early because somehow they feel that it is synonymous to their self worth. I can take myself to Hawaii etc. so these men trying to dangle the high value man carat won’t work for me because I am financially stable.

  8. “Flewed out” 😂. Not a flex ladies. He needs to fly to you and get his own hotel etc and still court you. And you don’t owe him intimacy neither. A real good man won’t pressure you.

  9. I was dating a guy & he was training for the literal Olympics team for the UK! Yet he would drive over 2 hrs to meet me, have dinner in a restaurant (no sexy time) and then back to training. That taught me if they want to they will !!!

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