2024 AQUAHOLIC Top Ten Yachts

2024 AQUAHOLIC Top Ten Yachts

Din cele peste 150 de bărci filmate anul acesta, acesta este Topul meu al turelor cu iahturi! Bucurați-vă. 😃 Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ În asociere cu: https://www.cmf-uk.com/ https://www.scanstrut.com/ https://www.garmin.com/ https: //www.ultramarine-anchors.com/?utm_source=yw&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Aquaholic_january Cu mulțumiri: TUTUROR!! https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe despre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


20 thoughts on “2024 AQUAHOLIC Top Ten Yachts

  1. Loved watching the Big Adventure Nick. Not sure what your bad News was. I've not had a great Christmas, and am in the process of dealing with it. These things sometimes happen. I decided to not allow my inner feelings to win, and to stay strong.

    In regards to what you do. You bring pleasure to people, and put smiles on their faces even when we can't either get to the part of learning what's required and necessary for safety or acquiring a boat where we'd want to.

    Anyway Nick, All the Best to you and Yours, take care a "Good Job" 🙂

  2. Thank you Nick for all the care you put into your content. I cannot imagine the amount of time it took editing this top ten list. I have been a faithful follower for a very longtime. I am pleased to see your craft come into its own despite life’s unexpected twist and turns. I have learned so much about the industry from your tours.
    Hoping you have a happy and healthy New Year!

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