Doi uciși în Sydney la Hobart Yacht Race

Doi uciși în Sydney la Hobart Yacht Race

Tragedie a lovit cursa de iahturi de la Sydney la Hobart, unde două persoane de pe două nave separate au murit. Ambele bărci se întorc înapoi la țărm.


47 thoughts on “Doi uciși în Sydney la Hobart Yacht Race

  1. Hit the by the boom on 2 seperate boats!? Surely this can only be inexperience. Incredibly sad news. Maybe this is a wake up call to skippers to only take seasoned sailors on such an extreme race. Sydney Hobart race is not a leisure cruise it’s a very serious dangerous ocean race with wild swell, weather and wind changes.

  2. How pathetic and moronic are people nowadays? Now we have to shell out OUR hard earned tax dollars that goes into OUR resources so that police can investigate what happened, knowing full well that both sailors were probably as dumb as university students on the left and didn’t have proper safety equipment and/or went into a sailing race without knowing how to properly manage a boat. Terrible tragedy for the families certainly, but it could have been avoided completely if people weren’t so fucking arrogant and up their own arses!

  3. Its disappointing that we hear from the prime minister on how sad this is ( yes any loss of life is) as though it is something special but people lose their lives on our roads, or doing their jobs etc every day and you hear nothing from him, to put it into perspective, its a very dangerous event, sport event that people purely choose to risk their lives for, I'm sorry but it does not get my sympathy vote getting hurt or killed doing something you didn't have to do that you knew was extremely risky and dangerous, there needs to be some recognition here of risk versus reward, how about some open and honest reporting, did the crews of these vessels have to sign a waiver, if not are they a paid crew and the employer has put them in an unsafe workplace position, its one or the other i would guess. At some point its either accepted its at ones own risk or too risky and be honest about it. I support freedom of choice but i dont support the sympathy vote when poor choices have consequences, the old "at least they were doing something they loved" cop out does not wash with me for those left reeling in the aftermath, its so clique, my heart goes out to the ones left to deal with someones choices especially those that now feel they were not important enough to be put first !

  4. People need to calm foen and relax. Sure this is sad – and respects to the famalies… but its simply an anomoly. A race like this will occassionaly have an incident. Talking about bans etc!? I mean noone forces people to race, they know the risks and its well known that over the 80 or so years a few people have died doing what they enjoy. More people die playing soccer -do we ban soccer? Im kinda sick of these fairies calling for bans on everything the second they feel like getting upset. These people yearn to have something to complain or bung on about…

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