La primele ore ale zilei de 18 august 2024, o furtună ciudată a lovit coasta Siciliei și un iaht s-a scufundat. Dar acesta nu era orice iaht vechi. Era Bayesian, un superyacht „nescufundabil” aparținând antreprenorului britanic miliardar Mike Lynch și familiei sale, găzduind o petrecere pentru a sărbători achitarea mogulului tehnologiei după un proces de fraudă de 13 ani. Când soarele a răsărit în acea dimineață, șapte oameni, inclusiv Lynch și fiica lui, se înecaseră, majoritatea prinși sub puntea bărcii. În spital, cei 15 pasageri supraviețuitori și echipaj, inclusiv marinari experimentați, au rămas năuciți și bătuți, încercând să proceseze ceea ce tocmai se întâmplase. Între timp, reporterii și echipele TV alergau în Sicilia, anchetatorii italieni erau chemați, iar constructorul de ambarcațiuni al Bayesianului se pregătea să-și apere reputația. Toată lumea era pe cale să fie cuprinsă de un alt fel de furtună, mânată de un singur cuvânt. Cum? #world #yacht #miliardar Citiți și ascultați mai multe aici: / Urmărește-ne pentru mai multe pe: TikTok: @DailyTPodcast X: @DailyTPodcast Instagram: @DailyTPodcast Rămâneți la curent și alăturați-vă conversației pentru direct vorbirea și gândirea liberă
Ce sa întâmplat cu adevărat cu iahtul condamnat al lui Mike Lynch? | Podcastul Daily T
25 thoughts on “Ce sa întâmplat cu adevărat cu iahtul condamnat al lui Mike Lynch? | Podcastul Daily T”
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The whole thing stinks of cover-up
It's a cover up the yacht was deliberately sunk the storm covered it up😢
I'm so sick of boats being decribed as unsinkable. Anything that floats on water can sink.
25% in and still no comment on the head line of why it sank. Enough, stoped.
Aber russische Schiff panzer na ch Canada durch Atlantik 🇨🇦 otan Ukraine 🇺🇦 Scotland war Irland 🇮🇪
Deliberate sabotage would be my theory. Meteorological phenomenon, code word for weather manipulation.
I am very pleased that the BBC took the time to cover this with a proper set of factual information. Not like many others here on YouTube just bla blaíng to make noise and get clicks. Good work and please follow up when there is news.
Hmm did I see the restaurant camera video correctly? The boat lost power while it was still stable. Without power any boat is a sitting duck.
Then the CEO says what he wants, even things that are not even in heaven or on earth to keep a shipyard afloat that had already failed for other reasons. And in fact he took a huge backlash. Stocks were going up and now they're down again.
lies look at mcennan its not auto default at all to extradition what a load of bs! theres a hearing for example if it was a default there wouldnt be or need any hearing!
The swing keel was up, according to reports.
The mast length seems like a reasonable cause. In a storm, ships can sail with 'bare poles' meaning no sails and still have propulsion and steering due to the 'windage' that they describe. Give me a lever long enough and I can move the world. At first, wind would start the heel, but at some point, gravity would take over. We'll need to wait to see the results of the stability simulations that the court has likely ordered.
At the finish of a summer Vashon island race we experienced a down bust that flattered us and the boats around us. We were barely able to release the spinnaker hal'd popped up and managed to finish under main alone to win the boat right behind us that was going to correct on us ended up finishing 20 minutes later.
One very critical factor was skipped in your report. The Baysien had a retractable or 'swing' keel. The keel was raised during the storm. This is normal when at anchor. However, the keel being raised radically changed the center of gravity. The captain, relying on the weather forecast provided by the Italian Air Force, calculated there would be less than sufficient wind to capsize the vessel with the keel raised. I do not wish to blame the captain, the weather forecast, nor the boat builder. The simple fact is that no ship can be nor ever should be built to withstand a downburst of that magnitude. Far too many compromises would have to be made. We must accept that the forecast was its best with the data that it had. The yacht was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and in the wrong way. Had the keel been down it would not have sunk. The captain just acted with the facts he had as any reasonable one of us would have.
Guess No 1: A Megalodon swallowed it Guess No. 2 A Titanboa decided to pull it down the waters murky depths Guess No 3 It sprang a leak Guess No. 4 Pirates boarded it and threw everyone overboard. Guess No. 5 A Perfect Storm occurred Guess No. 6 They ran out of gas and couldn't outrun the killer sharks. Gee! These are like scenes from Steven Spielberg's Jaws!
While this report is almost exclusively about the sinking, etc., of the Bayesian, the whole story of Mike Lynch fits perfectly into a series of issues surrounding him.
The software he sold to HP was an information retrieval package which he developed in Cambridge as a research topic using the ideas of an 18th century vicar Baynes, who, long before computing, wrote about means of identifying items using early science ideas.
Lynch built Autonomy, the software he sold to HP, by applying modern computing to the original vicars ideas.
From it's original launch, Autonomy was the subject of scrutiny in the information retrieval world, mostly because the claims made for its effectiveness in dealing with complex data sets and retrieving useful answers to complex questions. Prior to its launch much result had been undertaken without the breakthroughs claimed by Lynch.
The story is long and complex, leading to the court case with HP.
As a background, a perusal of the Autonomy story from the viewpoint of the financial press as the money created boomed, needs to be seen as a significant part of the 'UK Mr Gates' saga.
After the Italian sinking, it fills out some of the story of Mike Lynch as part of a series of scenarios of his life and work, and maybe raises other questions.
The hard drive had intel on Israel’s complicity on the 9/11 attacks given to him by the Australian prisoner x in Israel. He used this as leverage in his case against INTEL an Israeli owned mega company. A swimmer delivery vehicle was used to gain access to the yacht and swap the hard drive then the asphyxiated the crew with Co2 and sank the yacht.
A deep dive into the shallow end. 43 minutes of twaddle!
An utterly lame bit of reporting with none of the actual important threads covered. No wonder the “tradition” media is in such a poor state.
No mention of the lftiting keel? Or for that matter the lowererd saloon doors
13:20 a 'Captain Birdseye type figure' ⁉️ – what does this confusing & rather comedic term mean? – from his words the captain of the other yacht sounds to be a competent sailor responding competently in an emergency.
Load of emotive rubbish.
It fell over and sank because it had a crap range of stability and downflooding angle. "Infinitely more advanced" my arse.
I think the sinking was compounded by the skippers overconfidence in the vessel. The skipper of the much smaller traditional yacht Baden Powell responded to the weather in a much more risk averse way, anchor up engine on and helm into the wind. I presume the Bayseyan skipper didn't think the weather would bother his modern larger superyacht.
This is not journalism.
It's not a novel.
It's about the extremely sad loss of life.
Criminal complaints about being treated like a criminal