Operațiunea Satanic: Conspirația nucleară eșuată

Operațiunea Satanic: Conspirația nucleară eșuată

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25 thoughts on “Operațiunea Satanic: Conspirația nucleară eșuată

  1. Had you ever heard of Operation Satanic before? I know this is a different kind of video, but this story is very special to my home country. I'd love for your support in sharing/commenting/liking! Annnnd make sure you go check the 'Logistics of D-Day' documentary on Nebula right now! >>> https://go.nebula.tv/hellofutureme <<< Stay nerdy!

    ~ Tim

  2. Just hoping things will get better is useless. Hope must come with organizing and direct action. This planet is being strangled by western governments and corporations. We have to resist and we can't stop until the earth is free from these ecocidal colonial empires. Aotearoa, Falastin, Turtle Island, and all indigenous lands will be free.

  3. As an Aussie I'm absolutely appalled we aren't taught about any of NZs diplomatic efforts. We are rarely if ever taught of the invasions of our own sovereignty, let alone what has happened to those around us. I'm hopeful that NZ received some degree of AUS support during all this, though given how much brown-nosing we do with the USA I'm somewhat doubtful.

  4. The truth exposed when the media actually did their job. Now mainstream media have whored themselves out to corrupt governments and oligarchs!

  5. As an Australian you got me crying for every damn one of our Oceania cousins and I wish we'd honour you more and stand with you against the Northern powers of the world. My home is in the Torres Strait, I look around to these forgotten islands and I see family. Them? Us? Look at them. They are Us. You deserve more from us. I swear as much as I'd despise being in politics I'm going to end up in it eventually cause I've got all these hills I want to die on. I'm sorry we don't do more.

  6. Infuriating how the people at the top can commit the worst kinds of atrocities with only the stroke of a pen but still remain untouchable because they‘re "politicians"

  7. I like degaulle but for the most part I have no respect for the French gov. They collaborated REALLY willingly with Germany in WW2, and to make post war summation short, they held out on joining UN/NATO; threatened to cooperate with the ussr as a back door into Europe. Basically insisted Vichy was written as a German invention, and that the tens of thousands of volunteers to Germany, and the Jews that French police loaded onto concentration camp trains BEFORE Germany even invaded was forgotten.

  8. Never heard this story, I was glad to hear it! Also the whole story was so well written, edited and performed. Not that I'd expect anything else from you but damn

  9. Minor correction 1:15:54: It's not "Alderaban" but "Aldebaran" (or, as the French spell it "Aldébaran"). Aldebaran is the name of a very prominent star in Taurus. I think you had it spelled correctly earlier in the video. No harm done in an excellent video.

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