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VIDEO EXCLUSIV: Iahtul rupt după ce a lovit stâncile în Mexic
42 thoughts on “VIDEO EXCLUSIV: Iahtul rupt după ce a lovit stâncile în Mexic”
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Stupid rich people!🤣
Damn tourist at it again
“A 3 hour tour”😂
What a moron!
There are a lot of people attacking the crew of this yacht with no evidence they were at fault. There are no signs of engines being put into reverse which suggests some sort of failure either with the controls or with the engines. The crew managed to stay cool, and get many of those onboard ashore onto rocks, which should be applauded.
Was alcohol a deciding factor in this ?
This was 31 December in Acapulco la Quebrada . Yacht is valuated in 8 millon of pesos 😮. You can find longer videos at YT searching Yate Quebrada Acapulco. The yacht suffered an electric failure combined with strong ground sea Waves.
Pure stupidity and waste right there
Ces bateaux on des trimes droite et gauche et une marche arrière c'est simple a diriger ,encore une tache ce pilote ,il y a un bébé sur le bateau et il peut couler en 10 mn
No one put on a life jacket??
Amazing with a "professional" captain at the helm.
Titanic sank for less
Another example that you don’t half to be smart to have money
How do I submit a photo/yacht for yacht spot?
i hope the insurance companiy denies their claim … its absolute stupidity
Darwin award?
Es no problem
I understand wanting to get the view but never get that big a boat that near the rocks.
I guess this is what a cocky Captain with little skill does
Wow. Should have not been driving
Guidelines hey now that would be handy.
You forgot to mention the divers who went into the water to save the guests.
That DEI hire wasn't such a good idea.
I thought the boat stalled and had no power but apparently it w as just horrible decisions by the captain??
The boat immediately behind him should have gotten out of the way so he could back up before he was against the rocks and at a point of no return. Full throttle aft would have saved the boat, but another charter blocked the way.
Stupido hombre 😂😂
Good example of money doesn’t mean brains.
I am a watermelon & my sister is a bagpipe . . . weeeeeeeeee!
This reminds me of a safari tour in Tanzania. There were 7 other tourist jeeps besides ours but our driver wanted to give us the best view so he drove off the road into the bush. We sunk into a hole and spun our tires for what felt like an eternity while two brother lions in full glory stared at us less than 10 feet away and they did not appear happy. The worst is in Tanzania these were open-aired vehicles so our bodies/limbs were very much exposed. Eventually we got free and our driver got us out of there. He knew he screwed up and apologized but he still made sure to badger us at the end of the tour for tips.
That was gross stupidity on the part of the captain getting that close in and they should be liable for the costs of replacing the boat.
No dont throw down ancor
I wonder if they are so wealthy that they can afford to lose it
Learned a very expensive lesson on that one
At least it wasn’t a cruise ship.
The safest procedure in yachting is the ability to tell your charter guests No.
Just one of the reasons I don’t one a luxury yacht.
your not suppose to park there!!
The Captain’s last charter.
Of course she can't reverse "her" way out. Lol