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Escapeing Hollywood Hell: Lindsay Lohan abia a supraviețuit

23 thoughts on “Escapeing Hollywood Hell: Lindsay Lohan abia a supraviețuit”
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Only real people who are not bots can reply to this
Her and amanda bynes make me so sad
lol i love the actor Dennis Quad
Did she not like water? 😅 This dehydration story is a lot.
she was so fine durin those movies
My God, I was watching and thinking ah typical idiot until video with that poor family in the street. They are poor but they have each other, cold in their blankets on the street and this crazy lady comes and they have to go away to be in peace. She has the money, she could buy them a hotel room and food if she wanted to do something nice. But we know she didn't.
yea definitely brain rotten lmao "kanes film festival"
The paparazzi don't care if their actions result in a d e a t h of a person. I would charge them with capital punishment for harassment, see if they would want to make money off of bullying others then.
Stop with the upward inflection. Please.
Im calling him " Dennis Qu-ad" now 😂
Wow no machete mention
1:33 “What the hell is Kim doing hanging with Lindsey Lohan daddy?”
Everyone acts like Hollywood fucked her up when in fact she did it all on her own
40 minute ad before this video begins 😂😂. YouTube sucks so much now
Dennis QUAD? CANES film festival? Come on Pat.
3:00 Dennis Quad?
26:04 Yeah, I saw this live, it was fuxking insane!
I would looove to see a deep dive like this of Amanda Bynes
it's funny how time will turn truly bad people into "victims". Lindsay Lohan is trash.
Dennis who?😂
I live 15 mins from the bluff lake reserve near big bear (where the parent trap summer camp scenes are filmed. It is one of the most beautiful hiking areas in SoCal. I always think about watching that movie as a kid when I walk around that pond.
dropping banger after banger in 2025 pat
Paparazzi shoud be illegal