Explorer Yachts sub 24 de metri: comparând Bering 65 și Bering 72

Explorer Yachts sub 24 de metri: comparând Bering 65 și Bering 72

Descoperiți diferențele dintre Bering 65 și Bering 72 – cele mai mici iahturi ale noastre de explorare create pentru adevărate aventuri de traversare a oceanului. Alăturați-vă lui Alexei Mikhailov, fondatorul și CEO-ul Bering Yachts, în timp ce trece prin punte cu punte B65, subliniind designul și capacitățile sale dovedite. Vedeți cum B72 se bazează pe această bază cu actualizări cheie, oferind noi oportunități exploratorilor moderni. Află de ce ambele modele continuă să fie o parte valoroasă a gamei Bering în această comparație aprofundată. #BeringYachts #Bering65 #Bering72 #ExplorerYacht #YachtComparison #InnovativeDesign #OceanExploration


39 thoughts on “Explorer Yachts sub 24 de metri: comparând Bering 65 și Bering 72

  1. Hi Bering, I know it’s up to the owners but it would be great to have Victoria and Rico do a two part series on these two beautiful boats, can you organise that for us please?
    I can see one big fault with these two vessels, as a messy person who loves fishing and crabbing in croc infested waters my wife would consign me to the swim platform and the dinghy, no way would I be able to step foot or spill fish guts on the teak or carpets let alone sit on the couch. I’d need a working class version, painted decks, an outside shower and a vinyl interior.

  2. As usual another nice explanation of the Bering brand i`m such in love with Bering product mabe because of the transparency and honesty of Mrs Mikhaylov but one things for sure the 88 for me is the ultimate explorer yacht thank you and keep the evolution going 🙏😉

  3. Great video, but it would be interesting to have a realistic estimate of the total running costs for one of these.
    Being able to afford to buy the boat doesn't necessarily mean you can afford to maintain it year after year.

  4. Honestly, Alexei is the only person I regularly see touring a Bering that I enjoy listening to. The man knows how much to say, and keeps it professional. Respect.

  5. Honestly, Alexei is the only person I regularly see touring a Bering that I enjoy listening to. The man knows how much to say, and keeps it professional. Respect.

  6. Very nice presentation. Personally, my favorite is the B 78 as I love the lines, shallow draft, and shape, yet these two presented here are attractive. How. much external modifications are allowed on the 78? Thank you.👍🏻 ✨🌊💨🛥️⚓️🏝️🌞✨

  7. Absolutely beautiful, both boats would meet anyone’s requirements but as you said the 72 is just more, I would pick the 72 when I win the lottery. Any day now 😂

  8. Amazing boats, you sir have built the most perfect, most capable trawler yachts in the world! I missed my calling we I went into aviation as my life career at 18 yrs old! I discovered the love of the sea in my later years, too late to change my career choice. But I dream of living aboard my own yacht one day and if I ever won the lottery, this 72 would be my dream yacht. I envy the persons who can afford this lifestyle, they made all the right choices in life, what a dream boat! Thank you for the wonderful tour! 👍🥰

  9. смотрю на эти замечательные яхты и мысли такие
    как же хочется уйти на одной из яхт Беринг от всех этих проблем в кругосветку…
    жаль не могу да и не смогу уже это сделать

  10. Thank you so much Alexei I like your walk through better then the girl from Nautistyles but thanks again hope to see your boats in the USA boat show. Also love the 92 thats the one I really want.

  11. Honestly, I can see why the 65 is still popular. The 72 is bigger, but it doesn’t seem that what is gained is enough to justify spending more money, going over 100 gross ton master credential in the US, and longer slip. Seems if I was ever in the financial position to buy one of your yachts, my decision would be between the 65 and bigger model, not between 65 and 72. Not that my opinion matters much, but that would be my guess why you’re having a hard time stopping 65 production. Also, I wouldn’t get rid of crew quarters, if you choose not to sleep anyone there, it can still be used for storage, but at least you have the option to have more people on board.

  12. Great comparison! It seems like either boat would be a great choice because they share the same build standards and quality.

  13. This is so unfair. Throw in a B60 cat and its like being a labrador trying to choose between three full dog bowls.

  14. I'm interested in Bering yachts. I want to know about the certification category . Also why people are preferring B65 over B72 while the latter is a bit bigger which offers more room? how much is the difference in the price for same or very similar configuration?

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