Croaziera este într -adevăr munca cu barca în locuri exotice … În ultima lună ne -am bucurat de timpul nostru explorând în jurul nord -vestului Madagascarului, cu navigare distractivă, ancore uimitoare, apă caldă limpede cu o abundență de viață pe mare , și nici alte bărci cu pânze din jur, ce nu -i place! Deși, nu ne -am propus să fim în această zonă atât de mult timp, în timp ce intenționam să navigăm spre sud pe coasta de vest până acum … La sosirea până la Nosy, invertorul nostru de încărcător Victron multiplus a încetat să funcționeze fără putere de curent alternativ la bord și generator Nu este capabil să ne încărcăm bateriile sau să rulăm producătorul de apă. Cu toate acestea, în mod surprinzător, există un dealer Victron aici, pe insula Nosy. În timp ce el poate repara unitatea în garanție, trebuie să așteptăm 2 săptămâni de fiecare dată când o parte trebuie înlocuită. Suntem acum la a doua livrare a pieselor, am reinstalat invertorul încărcătorului, dar încă nu funcționează … #BOATLIFE #SAILING #SAILINGAUROUDTHEWORLD #indiacean #sailor #sailingfamily #madagascar #sailingafrica #sailingmadagascar ne susține aici Patreon: htttps: // Paypal: merch: Recomand cana de cafea
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Am așteptat 6 săptămâni pentru asta !! Și este încă rupt !!! | Navigarea Madagascarului … EP 388

45 thoughts on “Am așteptat 6 săptămâni pentru asta !! Și este încă rupt !!! | Navigarea Madagascarului … EP 388”
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I am interested in knowing if Mali loved Madagascar? Ha Ha. Love dogs. Your adventures are a delight to watch. I have been watching your Chanel for years. I have traveled the world extensively, but now I am a bit old so I enjoy traveling with you vicariously.
Take care and enjoy. Can't wait for your next big destination. (From Adelaide)
It sounds to me that you have a problem with the AVR on the generator. Its fine for ac items BUT when attached to something like your inverter thats when it goes bad!! Have you ckecked the Hz output from the gen ?? voltage will be ok but the Hz will be bad .
Yup, I spent 3 years in Equatorial Guinea……”gratuity’s” is just a way of life there.
Thanks for another great video adventure.
Great show

October? I didn't realise you posted so far behind, its now January 23 ?
Everybody's living their best possible life aboard Nandji 2, including Marley; he's having a whale of a time.
Most of his life has been travelling to strange places that all seem to have humongous beaches to run along with logs and coconuts to play with
Those faces lula bug makes when pulling the cables, so cute, what a great help fro Dad she is
Yoshi and Bon, your doing a great job raising that angel 
Haha that police officer was wondering what kind of motorbike are you filling up…
mate the victron multi-gubbins provides no redundency, and suffers compromises like all one-fit-solutions
not just the electronics same goes with panels, alternators and toilet pumps, you know dont ya
grab several domestic solar dc-ac inverters, dc-dc chargers and battery management, in the next port! Redundency and spare cash might impress the "Home Office"
good stuff
That's a lot of seperate victron systems. Is your solar not using the same?
Anyway sometimes MacGyver is the only option.
good job
Amazing how authority ie humans get thick humans to screw over outher humans and some how most people expect and accept it.we were all born equal and no one is higher than you

Hey frothers, what a fantastic video and promotional video of your favourite community in Madagascar. I hope your inverter doesn't give you any trouble on the way to South Africa because you do need your watermaker. Be carful when you start to sail close to the coast of South Africa. The ocean coming into the South African coast has an 8000+ fetch so you can have huge seas build up offshore and when you get close to the South African coastline the waves can be three to four metres high. I have been caught in that surf swimming and I was lucky I didn't lose my life in the rip tides.
An interesting site to learn about inflation and non American dollar values.
Make absolutely sure that he is a Victron registered agent. What Victron inverter is it. I'm registered here in SA
Love you guys! Hope 'Lula is all better.? I wondered if the policeman took the money off camera. Noticed he thought better of it when the camera was aimed AT him. Safe journey.
Those Victron inverters seem to be a lot of problems . Also I would be very very careful using any high amp electrical device on a boat that has been jury rigged . Fire on a boat is scary . That resister might be going for a reason .
That is one sweet dog!
A beautiful place that Madagascar! Full of wonder and good vibes. I love these videos that show a slice of life of the cruising sailors. It's not all sunsets and rainbows as sometimes it's just hard work. Glad you got it sorted and are on the way again!
Tallulas interaction is just precious! Such a wonderful little person! You all have done well! Sail on, be safe!
It's just amazing how you guys are living this off-grid sea traveling life. You are a rare kind.
She's a cutie! What a precious childhood! Just a dream and the wind to carry ya…
Thank you.
I love watching you guys hope you and the family had a great holiday good to see you're on the move again
You are a very talented person, you both make an amazing team

Cool video. So you in Knysna @ the Yacht club. Enjoy Western Cape
Were you really “counting” that money? Or were you faking it for them? I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing, but that happens a lot watching these videos, and I love it! Everything has gotten so much better and more relaxed and laid back since you guys got the new Boat……..Everyone is having more Fun!
It is odd that the box worked all this time, and only now it’s blowing parts? But the fuse holder idea is a good one.
Your content is epic mate
our family are amazing
Hey what does froth mean in your language?
October ! ? so you've not had power now for over 3 months ? that would suck guys as its almost February .
Hey team Nandji diesel in Mooloolaba $1.90- $2.10 litre
run my starlink 3 off a 150 watt inverter of a 12 volt battery
Love it- what an adventure
Love the sneaky vid footage envolving the Popo checking your receipt!
Your daughter is very cool – and you guys – I think – are great parents!

You just need a AC transfer switch for your two inputs.
Just curious. What is the "Dirty Shore Power" setting in the Multiplus set yo?
did the police officer refuse a bribe?
How much is 5000 Ari Ari?
Greetings Nandji, welcome to Knysna, I just passed by Nandji II on the estuary, I hope you guys enjoy your stay in our part of the world…
Hello Legends!!!! What bad luck to have the Victron troubles over and over. I'm glad to see you are sailing down the coast headed to South Africa. Thanks for another great episode of Sailing Nandji. Yew!!!