Sunseeker Manhattan 68 s -ar putea să nu fie o barcă cu totul nouă, dar există multe de analizat acest model actualizat pentru cei de la Düsseldorf. Editor MBY, Hugo Andreae ne duce într -un tur ► Devenind un abonat gratuit pe pagina YouTube a lui MBY acum – ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, noi lansări de viteze și știri de turism , vizitați site -ul nostru aici – ► Like Us pe Facebook: ► Urmați -ne pe Twitter: ► Urmați -ne Pe Instagram: ► Ce credeți? Spuneți -ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți -vă să apăsați butonul de genul și să vă abonați dacă v -a plăcut #Motorboatyachting
Luxul britanic în cel mai bun caz | Sunseeker Manhattan 68 2025 Tour | Barca cu motor și yachting

23 thoughts on “Luxul britanic în cel mai bun caz | Sunseeker Manhattan 68 2025 Tour | Barca cu motor și yachting”
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Is Sunseeker still trading?
Rather concerned regarding news of the builders manpower reductions. Let’s hope they survive as they have proved with this yacht how well their business produces such quality. Thanks for sharing.
@ 10 min. Quite the 'Coffefe' …
The Kitchen is terrebli, no places to Cook.
Beautiful yacht, nice finishes and a nice flow to it all. Great tour Hugo thank you.
So hull integrity is determined by the thickness of the plastic 'inserts' in the hull?
Very nice boat Hugo. Always good to see your work. I'm not sure what I think of it – there isn't a lot of difference between various makes in this range – it's all in the details which don't always show on video.
It's called an EAT-IN KITCHEN.
Very nice Hugo.
Prettier than the Ocean Series at least…
Beautiful boat $3 million US definitely a compact engine room, other than checking fluids the owner would defer all other maintenance to the marina.
My perfect boat. 3 1/2 cabins with the saloon staircase delete, fin stabilisation and shafts drive. Really like the galley table and aft cockpit options too.
Great tour though I think a few trips to the gym might be needed if you are struggling to open deck lockers
Sunseeker are master of building a Sunkeeper boat. They've made use of all the space available. Her decor is relaxing sndy modern. Cabin sizes good. Like the second stairwell to the Master, their is plenty of exterior space so the size of the saloon/ kitchen is fine.
Uou pays your money and make your choice of decor/cabins/ fly bridge ect. Expensive but she a lovely boat..
The interior reminds me of an IKEA showroom.
I agree with hugo that the TV is a bit out of the place, especially with that sound bar underneath making it obstructing more view.
Best Sunseeker I've seen.
Galley/dining does need tweeked. 6 chairs, 8 berths. Not a problem to tweek that.
Brilliant boat
Well done there. Thank you!
Great tour Hugo, thanks.
Lovely boat as you’d expect from Sunseeker.
телевизор рядом с капитанским местом – не очень удобно, и да, он большой и загораживает обзор… также ты пропустил раздвижную дверь на входе в салон яхты, и пространство слева от капитанского места за угловым диваном
I’m kinda new.. would a boat that size definitely need a captain?
The decor is so bland
That is a really good yacht design. sleeps 8 and two crew if needed. Would be the yacht I would seriously consider to purchase for two families going out for a weekend or few days it would be ideal.
Very nice
Nice boat and price