14,7 milioane USD Tur Superyacht: Horizon FD100

14,7 milioane USD Tur Superyacht: Horizon FD100

Superyacht Explorer super spațios, Horizon FD100. Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ în asociere cu: https://www.cmf-uk.com/ https://www.scanstrut.com/ https://www.garmin.com/ https:/ /gb.gillmarine.com/ prețul este doar în scopuri de ghid aproximativ și poate varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificații, mulțumită: https://www.horizonyachtusa.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https: // twitter.com/burnhamnick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe videoclipuri pe canalul MBY YouTube: https: // www .youtube.com/utilizator/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


48 thoughts on “14,7 milioane USD Tur Superyacht: Horizon FD100

  1. I love the detail on these walk throughs , this vessel is marvelous, would love to be able to board this one , the space seems endless , thanks alot for this

  2. Hi Nick. I’m curious whether you could see yourself on one of these super yachts or not. When not considering the financial issue, could you see yourself on one of these?

  3. I really like all those little storage spots they created. They didn't waste the space and they didn't make it tacky or too small.

  4. Yeah, ok, I’ll have one! Gorgeous from anchor to beach club! ❤❤❤
    Now, what have I got……. Hmmmmmm….. £127.80…… well, it’s a start! 😖😂😂

  5. Its a nice airy decor. Good balance between wood and upholstery. If my missus could fill the slots in the dressing table with jewellery. I could probably afford the boat.😆
    Full English for brekky was it, extra beans sir? 🤭

  6. Don't think I've seen a Horizon I didn't adore. Always such beautiful fitout.

    Not keen on the marble behind the master bed, and the beige outdoor cushion fabric and corian are a bit blah, but that's it really, and those were owner choices.

    100% agree with your comment that that writing locker was a thing of beauty – the attention to detail in that sort of hidden area really shows us the quality of the boat, and what a joy it would be to maintain.

    Just a gorgeous boat.
    Love seeing them sail past my place.

    Sidenote: you often film pointing downwards. Apart from when you are obviously avoiding filming other people, the rest of the time it makes it hard to appreciate the outlook, the ceiling and lighting treatments, and the headroom clearances. And feels a little like we are all surly teenagers moping around looking at the floor.

  7. Always. I don't know how they do it. But Horizon always makes the best use of space with design, purpose and quality. There is no wasted space.

  8. Hey … Just seeing the Blue LED lights under the engines … Those are clearly aesthetically pleasing for sure , however they actually serve a purpose.
    As when a die is added to oils and fluids of the engine … If there is ever a leak the fluids will glow brightly and very easy to see .
    Im a mechanic and use such things to finds leaks on all sorts of vehicles and aircrafts … As well as small boats … Makes sense they would do the same on large boats such as this .

  9. You can't have too many Horizon FD series yacht reviews, they are gorgeous boats. I love seeing the different interiors owners go for. Those windows in the owner cabins are amazing.

  10. Nick, many thanks for a thorough, entertaining tour. Horizon pioneered the Ultra High Volume design like this FD100 and they have sold lots of them. Epic amounts of room, amazing to have five staterooms, a good galley, huge aft deck, skylounge and habitable crew quarters in 100 ft. Main compromise is looks – the FD100 appears quite corpulent – and I've read the top-heavy design makes the stabilizers perform yeoman duty. But those are acceptable compromises for many buyers.

  11. The internal layouts for 80-100-foot yachts seem to be pretty much the same: living and dining room, galley, owner suite, day head, 4 bedrooms below, including the VIP… what makes each yacht special are the outside areas. That's what I fast forward to. How close can they bring you to the water? What does the beach club give you? How many different areas does it have? Because let's face it, if you have this type of motor yacht, it's not to spend it in your cabin!

  12. This yacht is one of the best designs I have seen in the 100ft range… great use of windows and sliding doors. A very airy and light feel but also solid fixtures. Very user friendly and accessible.

  13. Hey Nick, love the content as usual! That was a loud engine room. I'm concerned about your hearing with repeated exposure to loud engine rooms like that! Maybe buy a pair of easily-removable ear plugs when you need to tour one?

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