Epic Charter Yacht „Alfa Nero” nu a mai văzut niciodată imagini!

Epic Charter Yacht „Alfa Nero” nu a mai văzut niciodată imagini!

Pentru mai multe detalii despre Alfa Nero: https://www.norphandjohnson.com/yachts-for-charter/alfa-nero-269-oceanco alfa nero yacht pentru lungimea charter 269 ‘1 „(82m) Builder Oceanco Build 2007/2021 invitați 12 Cabines 6 Tarife de echipaj 26 de la 812.500 USD/WK Vă puteți imagina cât de emoționată a fost echipa mea și pentru a obține ocazia să filmăm unul dintre cele mai iconice yachturi construite vreodată: „Alfa Nero”. Doar a părăsit șantierul naval după ce a fost pregătit pentru un sezon de charter aglomerat.


43 thoughts on “Epic Charter Yacht „Alfa Nero” nu a mai văzut niciodată imagini!

  1. Again a beautiful Yacht, And again you aren't showing the Galley, or crew area's.
    An important piece of a joyful successful charter is a happy crew. I've noticed on the majority of your tours you do not show Galley or crew area's. Why is that?

  2. L’un des plus beau super yacht in the world !!! Un design élégant et raffiné , une poupe ( stern ) incroyable , un travail sur les détails réussis ! Franchement wow !

  3. Gawd I hate this guys egotistic voice… he loves these poetic bs nonsense… the videos are horrible done and the production value sucks… it’s like watching paint dry when you listen to this guy… yatchbuyer… never any ads, straight to the point and does a great job filming… aquaholic is 2nd but he too yaps too much sometimes and opens ever cupboard… its not like we don’t know what a drawer looks like inside…

  4. Definitely an epic yacht. Awesome interior. I agree about the private space in front of the owner's suite. Many big yachts offer similar "private" space but the suite has side decks and can be accessed by anyone. Awesome yacht… I mean it's an Oceanco, what else can you say 🥰

  5. She is magnificent. There are yachts with great features like the staircase on Sea Owl but Alfa Nero is one stunning, harmonious whole.

  6. My all-time favorite yacht. She has been since the day she launched. And this footage? Well, I simply have no words. Thank you, David and crew. Spectacular job, as always!

  7. David! Prima! Bellisima! She's very nicely done! Some of the paneling and those illuminated handrails were exsquite! Very tastefully adorned! When Mr David Searle is lost for words, to describe a Yacht!
    Well, what can anyone else say! This vey elegant lady befits her new frock! Good to see her back in the briney! 👌
    For sure!🤙

  8. So who actually owns this beauty now? The guy from google backed out and the it was sold at a discount to an unidentified buyer🤔

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