MSC’s Yacht Club este deja un loc special. Luxul, serviciul și răsfățul fac ca experiența să fie unică în lumea croazierelor. Cu toate acestea, cum se stivuiește când sărbătoriți ceva cu adevărat memorabil? Am decis să aflăm cât de special ar putea fi clubul de iahturi de pe peisajul de la MSC, prin petrecerea unei nopți extra-Extra-Special la bord. Doriți să susțineți și mai mult gust, încercați să călătoriți? Accesați Știați că Chris și Beth găzduiesc o croazieră de grup Try Try Travel Group pe Brand New World America de la MSC … cea mai mare și mai sălbatică navă încă ??? Obțineți informațiile: Pentru mai multe informații despre gustul, încercați călătoria World America Cruise Email: sau sunați la CJ la 863-221-4056 The Triple T Group Cruise Flyer Consultați noul gust, încercați tricouri de călătorie și merch: Link-uri de afiliere Amazon: carcasă subacvatică camera principală https: // amzn .to/47ltpu0 Sennheiser Shotgun Mic Hollyland Mini Wireless Mic System telefonic telefonic Camera Tripod Camera Tripod /3TAPN3P extern hd fan de călătorie croazieră multi-port https: /3RHSIKH BAGĂ DE TOLETTERĂ HTTPS://AMZN.TO/4ATXLLT CRUISE DE CRUIE/UNI Cârlige sala de croazieră etichete de hârtie ocean plutind hamkock https: // amzn. TO/3NKIF6W FULL FaceMask Snorkel Muzică folosită în acest episod: FTW (Versiunea Pop Indie) – Josef Falkenskold Piece of Heaven – TAGE Dance with the Sin (Instrumental Version) – Zorro \\ #mscyachtclub #mscseascape #galanight
Noapte specială în Seacape Yacht Club

22 thoughts on “Noapte specială în Seacape Yacht Club”
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Happy Anniversary guys, another great video! Thank you. DMS
Happy anniversary to a beautiful couple.
Dinner looked great. My first Baileys Alexander was on that same ship a few months ago, and we loved it.
Happy Anniversary
You two always look good, but wow you clean up nice. Very sweet to have the pearls from your mom on your anniversary. Thank you for taking us along with you. Happy anniversary
What an amazing meal. I would have loved it all. But of course the video had me at "the six million dollar man and the legend of bigfoot pass !!!! Great as always yall
Happy Anniversary Chris and Beth! Looks like you had a great time.
Happy Anniversary guys!!!!!! What is the brand of salts did you use?
So jelly you get yacht club!
Happy anniversary! We are doing an NCL transatlantic to Portugal then another MSC cruise around Spain and Italy in April for our 30th! Hope to get a YC upgrade for the latter…
25 years! Many many more to come!!!
I let Wayan know what an impact he can make on someone’s trip. He says “hi” to you both. I’m glad he was able to make your anniversary celebration a little bit better.
Happy Anniversary to you both
Thanks for taking us along!
Happy anniversary to you both!
Happy Anniversary! You guys are definitely “weirdly interesting”!
Glad you kept that line in there!
Happy anniversary!!!
You looked gorgeous Beth and the smile is the cherry on top
That Surf and Turf looks AAAAAAHMAAAAAAZING! Thank you for taking us along for your Anniversary celebration!
Congratulations on 25 years!!!
We are going to MSC for our very first cruise in 32 days (Mar2) on the Meraviglia. Mostly based on your video of the Meraviglia, and then based on our schedule. We booked Aurea balcony. (Cannot afford YC) as we work for a living…LOL. This will be our "Honeymoon". Our first alone trip away together since we were married. Looking forward to it to say the least!!!! Cheers from Atlantic Canada!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! You both look lovely. May you have another 25 years+ of happiness. Congrats!
We just got off Seashore and sometimes that tunnel of mirrors was red. I am thinking they changed it in the evenings to red, but it was blue in the day? Our dining was right by it, and hubby and I spent our quiet day ship moments in the Le Cabaret Rouge but I didn't pay full attention to when it was blue vs red, but that's what I'm thinking.
Congrats on the Anniversary .
You guys are great!