În acest videoclip trebuie să explorăm o insulă de barieră de -a lungul coastei Florida la care nu am mai fost niciodată. Odată ce barca este în siguranță la Waters Marina Lindsey și eu fac un pic de explorare. Vino să stai cu noi în timp ce ne ocupăm de câteva locuri locale, explorăm plaja, chiar dacă era de 50 de grade și lansăm oferta pentru o explorare atât a Insulelor Captiva cât și a Sanibel. Nu vă deranjează faptul că am aruncat una dintre camerele din ocean în timp ce descărcam licitația. Insula LOL Captiva se află chiar la nord de Insula Sanibel, amândoi bariere în zona Cape Coral și FT Myers. Situată pe partea protejată a Captiva se află faimosul Tween Waters Resort & Marina .. care este locul în care am avut privilegiul de a ne lega iahtul Riviera pentru câteva zile pe drum spre nord. Dacă ați vizionat săptămâna trecută videoclipuri, știți că eram pe cale să plecăm din Napoli și am avut Nord. Din păcate, nordul înseamnă înapoi la portul nostru de acasă, așa că încercăm să facem acea secțiune a tuturor călătoriilor noastre cât mai lent. Intrarea în Tween Waters este dificilă de navigat, dar nu a fost la fel de complicată ca să intri în alunecarea noastră, veți vedea ce vreau să spun în videoclip. Sperăm să vă bucurați de film. _________________________________________ Link -uri sociale: Alăturați -ne pe Patreon (Lindsey rulează Patreon -ul nostru, tot conținutul este postat de ea. Citiți profilul nostru acolo pentru a înțelege mai multe despre susținerea călătoriei noastre în întreaga lume) https://www.patreon.com/the71Percent Urmați -ne pe noi Instagram (Great Place to Connect) https://www.instagram.com/the71Percentchannel/ Urmați -ne pe Facebook (nu este MySpace, dar puteți merge să ne urmați aici) https://www.facebook.com/the71Percent _________________________________________ afiliați: Unele dintre legăturile de produse sunt afiliate ale celor 71 la sută, ceea ce înseamnă că dacă cumpărați prin link, primim o comision mică. Apreciem foarte mult sprijinul dvs. Cumpărăm cea mai mare parte a echipamentelor noastre pentru bărci aici: https://boatgearusa.com/71Percentchannel _________________________________________ Locații vizitate: Tween Waters Resort & Marina https://tween-waters.com/ The Ship Yard (Cina) https://shipyardcaptiva.com / The Green Flash (micul dejun) https://greenflashcaptiva.com/ Capitole: 0:00 – Intro 1:00 – Lăsând Napoli 4:00 – Docking nostru Riviera 5400sy @ Tween Waters Marina 5:15 – Cina la Shipyard 8:00 – Beach Walk 9:40 – Micul dejun @Green Flash 12:15 – Aruncând camera în apă 13:30 – Tender Ride 17:00 – Sunset on the Beach 19:00 – Coborârea de pe doc în Waters Tween
Cel mai bun apus de insulă încă | Explorarea insulei Captiva cu barca

25 thoughts on “Cel mai bun apus de insulă încă | Explorarea insulei Captiva cu barca”
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The phalanges are the small bones that make up the fingers' skeletal framework, allowing for gripping and holding. Each hand has 14 phalanges, arranged in three rows: proximal, middle, and distal. Each finger has three phalanges, except the thumb, which only has two
When I was in the Navy around '86 or '87 we were in the triangle. The ship had redundant sat nav systems and all stopped working for a few hours. The magnetic compass was swinging wildly in both directions. We drifted until suddenly everything started working normally again. Good thing it was calm seas.
Thanks for sharing the good times your having. I'll be looking forward for your next adventure. Linsey games make my day.
Hey Guys! Thank You so very much for the invitation to join You today. It was a real good time and can't wait for the next adventure, I have to agree with You Nathan about the bathroom scene I think the window view really doesn't belong in that type of business but I guess some people do. "Oh Well"!!!!! Happy Sailing.
Great video and one of my favorite destinations in the world. Got married at South Seas 24 years ago and have been going down since the 80’s. The Captiva House at Tween Waters is probably where your friends may have recommended you eat, or the new place upstairs from where you were. But the best part of Captiva is north of Green Flash (which typically was a “go-to” but things change I suppose). Andy Rosse Lane – Bubble Room, Mucky Duck, Key Lime, RC Otters all took a beating in the last two hurricanes while still reeling from Ian. Come back in the summer, get a slip at South Seas marina and hopefully more stuff is open again! Hope to buy you guys a beverage if we cross paths. Keep the videos rolling!
If you are going to make the crossing to Europe, we sail from north to southern Europe. from May 2025 to….. search on YouTube "MARU monte carlo." you see.
Great video and well done on maneuvering for docking the boat
how many hours now on the Ruth Pearl
Great video! I enjoyed all of the content. Keep up the great work.
Great Episode! We've been to Crow's Nest by boat for lunch down from Sarasota bay, also The Shore on Long Boat! Both great spots, Crow's Nest more casual but seem to remember it's good! Ww go south to Sarasota every winter and are fortunate to have a friend with a boat there. Enjoying your content! Keep up the good work!
Another Great show! The videography that you bring to the show is great. But most of all y’all make us laugh.

We bring our Hatteras to the shipyard Feb 10 to Snead Island Boat works from Longboat Key Mooring to get a few things done. We are looking forward to making some trips on the west coast of Florida this year.
Great video again. You two are genuinely NICE people. On the comments: The window in the restroom, don’t care if it’s one way or not- this is a nonstarter for me, would probably have to go find a McDonald's down the street or something. On the hammerhead in the shoe, my 1st thought was some poor little child lost their toy by setting it in there for safe keeping and only to forgot it
. Poor thing. Good news, mom or dad had to stop and get them a new/biggerr one to stop the crying in the car. I love that your mom comments on your videos. Keep up the great content, I really enjoy your hard work!
What yacht do you guys own?
Another great video. We all are blessed
thanks guys
We loved Tween waters but the weather was much better! We’ll be back!
Really enjoyed this video…we’ve wanted to check out Tween Waters for several years now…looks like it’s well worth the trip!
Great video !!! It's interesting how you picked up the cross in the basket, and then some blessings came your way. (The bottle and note and the blue shark) Yes, it was a fun video. I'm looking forward to your next adventure…..
That was fun , I have been at that restaurant with the wine way window. And the Mannequin. It was a fun bar.
I watch from time to time love the places you visit. Can you give us some specs on your boat?
Ha! We are the friends that sent them to Tween! I ate the other cracker and left one for you
Always nice to see your videos
. They give us great tips on what we could see when we're in Florida again next year. Best wishes from Cologne
nice video,,,, amazing that you 2 go 2 places my wife and I have been hanging around for many years,,, difference is you 2 go by boat we go by car or suv! Wondering if you made down to the Mucky Duck down at the tip of Captiva. BEST conch chower Ive ever had I tell ya,, Like the shot of the Bridge at Blind Pass.. and now off to Venice, be well and stay safe u2
This is so cool! We should absolutely start our adventures once were done refitting our 65 power catamaran
The Green Flash gave my wife and I the same vibe!
Love the videos. Subscribed! My wife and I had a house in Cape Coral on the Gulf. Our boat was right in the backyard, we loved it and plan to return. We really like the idea of living on yacht like yours in the marina. What year and model is it? Thanks!
Brrr, it looked cold there! Shipyard restaurant is okay, fun to hang out with the locals and other boaters at the bar and sport events. Crow’s Nest Steakhouse has the most beautiful Sunsets and Captiva House is excellent. We agree it’s shallow and skinny but worth timing the tides and best in warm weather when the pool is cool!