Ep.29. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Newcastle către Grimsby | Mile 1292 până la mile 1454

Ep.29. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Newcastle către Grimsby | Mile 1292 până la mile 1454

Eșecul motorului în Solo Marea Nordului nu a fost distractiv! A trebuit să sun la garda de coastă. E -mail: bumbler@thebumblingilelor.co.uk Merch! https://bumbling-shop.myspreadshop.co.uk/ modalități de a menține canalul la linie! Paypal: https://paypal.me/bumblingsailor gofundme: https://gofund.me/d919bd1d ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bumblingilesilor cumpără-mi o cafea: https: //www.buymeacoffee. com/bumblingsAilor Amazon Wishlist: https://bit.ly/3uvm0kx afiliați; Instruire arzătoare: https://ardent-training.com/?aff=9-10 £ oprit! Orca Navigare: https://getorca.com/?via=bumbler -10% reducere!


43 thoughts on “Ep.29. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Newcastle către Grimsby | Mile 1292 până la mile 1454

  1. You're suffering from an over-dependency on engine. We've all done it just, put up the sails when there is any wind, and shut off that stinking motor. I see it so windy, your beard is blowing around, yet your motoring.

  2. I never close the saildrive seacock to swap impeller. Assuming your sea-water strainer is above waterline, just take the cap off it and it will break the syphon effect. Then when the impeller faceplate is all refitted, pour a few cups of water into the strainer to purge it and put the cap back on.

  3. Terry, in this episode you became a mariner, juggling multiple issues, navigation, wind engine issues and personal safety. you have come so far, from the early days. Well done,

  4. I think adventurous times are actually good for you Terry. You enjoy a challenge as it focuses your mind. Lots of sailors are drawn by it I think. But what do I know.

  5. I did a double take-when you said you were going to speak to us about routing.

    As a Kiwi, I thought for a moment you'd said "rooting", and we were about to be regaled with too much information about some of your activities in Newcastle. (Only for a moment)

  6. Terry, you have done extremely well. You have had a lot of situations to decide and deal with. A lot of professional skippers wouldn’t have done what you have put up with. When things go wrong you can’t shut the door and walk away. You stayed with it and found away around the problem. WELL DONE SIR

  7. I've got about 50 bucks, and about 200 dollars of responsibility, so you're not alone in that. What I do have is your wonderful videos, and that is keeping me sailing right now. So thank you.

  8. Highly recommend a stop over in wells next the sea, great little town, and if it wasn't the off season which means I'm back in Doncaster I would buy you a pint!!

  9. Had multiple problems. Thought of solutions with what you had available and executed those solutions with a succesful outcome. Can't ask for more than that when alone at sea. Ok maybe the perfect wind from the perfect angle along with sunshine, dolphins and bio luminescence but maybe i ask for too much.

  10. If you’re burning through impellers- check the impeller housing. It may be worn a little. There is a little lobe in the housing which can get worn. If it’s worn, it causes the impeller to struggle, especially if you have a partial blockage. The engine can’t draw enough water. This causes the impeller to over heat and disintegrate.
    We had it about 6 times on an old westerly consort.

  11. Hi Terry, great video!! As for the impellor, always recover or at least be aware of the missing impellor blades as these can block some of the water ways within the engine/heat exchanger. This happened to a friend of mine, in his case the engine over heated as well as the gearbox. The gearbox breather had rusted shut causing a pressure build up, this blew the O/P shaft seal out as well as all of its oil seizing the gearbox. This all happened within a wild storm out in the Med.

  12. Well-done. You've come so far since day 1. 😊

    Hope you managed to trace where the broken impeller fins went to? If they're stuck inside the heat exchanger you'll have to remove them or else your engine will overheat.

  13. i am located in the south of norway i dont understand how you can chance your way through sailing the way you do its like all or nothing i have 100liters fuel on a 20hp plus 100 liters water but be dammed if i would only sail like that i have 50liters fuel x 2 jerry cans and 50 liters extra water x25 i have food mix with water soup in a packet and so on i would be a wreck looking for a place for it to go all wrong if i was in his shoes bloody hell and ps i have the raymarine a700 ais and the icom with built in ais also a a back up and kinda radar clock so if someone come within my rang mater the alarm go,s off to wake me up basically this is not a car you can stick up a red triangle and say outta fuel giv us a lift m8 haha

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