AES Super Yacht „Mereley 1” de vânzare. Acest iaht are tot ce ai putea dori!

AES Super Yacht "Mereley 1" de vânzare. Acest iaht are tot ce ai putea dori!

Pentru mai multe detalii despre Mereley: Contact: +377 97 77 27 20 Mereley 1 Yacht pentru Lungimea vânzării 111 ‘7 „(34,61m) Constructor AES Yacht Build 2024 oaspeți 10 cabine 5 echipaj 7 Cerere Preț 13.950.000 EUR MEREY 1 a fost o astfel de plăcere să filmeze. Arată excelent din aproape fiecare unghi, a fost întreținută impecabil și este Alergată de un echipaj fantastic.


27 thoughts on “AES Super Yacht „Mereley 1” de vânzare. Acest iaht are tot ce ai putea dori!

  1. Why is TV placement such an afterthought sometimes? If you’re all watching a game or movie in the main salon it’s behind the dining room table. So silly.

  2. I love watching alot of yacht videos, this might be my favorite one, love the blue outside, the interior, the steel hull (if i wanna go to antarctica), everything

  3. Simply stunning. High spec, very well designed with excellent proportioning. I have no doubt this yacht will sale quickly she is a fantastic example and a reasonable price.

  4. Hi David, I really appreciate your channel and the elegance of your presentations. However, imho, you make to many cuts in the filming. We see only bits and pieces but it's difficult to get a clear view of the yacht, where we are and how oriented. It's like throwing the pieces of the puzzle on the table instead of showing us the final image. Maybe using a sequence shot or longer takes would improve the immersion. Still thanks for your work.

  5. Detaching the camera from the narrator changes the entire presentation to "professional" rank. It "elevates" the viewing experience by allowing the camera to select the best angles instead of being whatever heppens when the narrator enters a space. It also allows the narrator to be a hired voice. I am grateful to be spared the bumpy camera when climbing and descending staircases and seeing each and every mirror image detail in guest suites, but I might miss the charm of seeing the presenter waving in the mirror. I also like the features, exterior and interior styling, and price of this yacht. Thank you.

  6. Hmm. Very masculine energy to this, inside and out.
    Great for bloke groups and charters, gay couples, etc I guess.

    That shade of blue, and the red waterline stripes…hmm.
    Not a fan also of the marble, and less so combining multiple marble colours in the same spot.
    Still if you are giving it away, twist my arm…
    Owner must have been spewing to see that handprint on the exhaust manifold! LOL oops.

    I agree with some other comments about the rapid cut editing, with not enough time to scan individual scenes before they are gone.

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