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Ep.30. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Grimsby to Lowestoft | Mile 1454 până la mile 1556

27 thoughts on “Ep.30. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Grimsby to Lowestoft | Mile 1454 până la mile 1556”
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At 03:50 – Thats normal for the impeller to have blades pointing backwards. The engine often turns back a little bit after stopping and bends the fins backwards on the impeller.
Evening Terry,
Glad to see you doing well. I also think it's a shame that you missed out Wells. How much time between your filming and locations and uploading for us to watch? While you are South-East is probably the best chance I've got of meeting such a mega-star…
When you leave ramsgate you can sail within 30 metres of the beach make great footage when you hit deal will live in the first few houses big Blue house balcony and turrets I will look out for you and give you a wave you can sail straight past deal pier
Well done Terry.Hang in there mate.
I wouldn’t worry about the bits of impeller that broke off. There’s not much you can do Stick a new one in then get going
Nothing wrong with a cold tin of soup Terry, do it often, even at home
Another great video, like a boss! I remember I was hoping to spot your boat when you got to Lowestoft. We left around the time you arrived, headed south to Brighton in one hop to beat that awful weather that came after.
Hey-Hoy! Thought that was a rather grand departure from Grimsby. Taco Bell is a poor sailors friend.
Simply a great vid yet again
Chrs Malc uk 
Great channel! I have just bought a little boat in Lowestoft so was great to see a bit of the port.
You can sail through the windmills..
I do it ….eyes open…eyes closed…
Just for the sheer fun of it.
in my county bah welldone matey
Hi there. I bought a Fairline targa 34 some years ago with intentions of sailing from York to Southampton & beyond. But & a big but. The twin Volvo penta 200's were always causing problems. How far did I get. Naburn Loche. 5 miles. I got so fed up with the expense of fixing things I ended up selling the boat.
Love your videos, and I particularly liked your sheet to tiller. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts. I want to try this myself.
However, what I got from that video was trying to make a deadline plus fatigue….and nearly t-boning another yacht.
I'm just recovering after surgery, and nearly a year of physio, from an injury caused by fatigue, in which I also nearly slammed into a car.
You nearly sank a boat.
I had to change the way I was doing things, and I think you need to, as well?
Not necessarily a major change, but maybe a reset of your timetable attitude?
Anyway, I hope you take this with the same (hopefully) constructive attitude I mean it to.
Oh, and don't rush with the videos. I'm happy to wait, especially if it includes more sailing.
Ahoy there!
Wondering about when you move from port to port or marina to marina or little town to little town, do ya have to check out and in? Coz we do have to do it here in Malaysia.
Well done mate.
Same same with names….
Brain moves to fast to be able to think like a normal :p
I just call everyone dude
Long live Fin
I love this channel. Keeping it real. You can sail with me anytime bro.
Need to change the channel name to Grumbling sailor. You sound like I do when things aren't working to plan lol .Only I curse more
Hi mate keep up the good work I'm watching this from new zealand maybe one day you could head this way cheers for now rod
Are you going into newhaven agian when you pass?
T- have you go a good flask or food flask for hot soup…? or bovril..? or something…? Saves loads of time.
This a great channel, learning a lot about sailing, wind, tides, sheets, sails, navigation…………awesome!
How much diesel do you get throughout motoring around?
Just to clarify at 1 minute 4 seconds, that was a "roman salute"

Hi Terry
What navigation do you use please
I'm based up the Orwell wold been good to meet you in Walton