Livrarea unui nou Yacht 125 mile nautice pe coasta de vest {livrare iaht}

Livrarea unui nou Yacht 125 mile nautice pe coasta de vest {livrare iaht}

Urmați -ne în timp ce livrăm acest nou 460 Prestige #yacht către Napoli din regiunea superioară a Golfului Tampa. M -am asigurat să adaug tone de #BoatingTips în această călătorie în care te antrenez pe parcurs. Chiar am auzit un apel de suferință care se afla la câțiva kilometri distanță. Căpitanul Troy mi s -a alăturat pentru a -l ajuta ca partener pentru călătorie din cauza orientării și livrării proprietarilor la sfârșitul traseului. Totul a mers la fel de lin, chiar dacă #Weatherman a fost oprit în prognoza lui. „Crearea de barci mai buni pe rând” #yachtdelivery #yachting #naples #naplesflorida #gulfofmexico #boatdelivery #boating #prestigeyachts #tampabay #tampa


19 thoughts on “Livrarea unui nou Yacht 125 mile nautice pe coasta de vest {livrare iaht}

  1. Well-planned and executed delivery. Prestige seemed nice but I've read comments that some people think they are too lightly laid up causing extensive hull flexing in rough water. Thanks for a good video.

  2. A question about wakes, you seem to say, the captain that makes the wake is "responsible":
    There was a center console that was sunk in Tampa Bay on 1/5/25 and the people on that boat blamed it on a cruise ship's wake, likely piloted by a harbor master.
    So was that the cruise ship's fault? If it was, would the harbor master be held accountable?

    Did you teach the new owner's about the Seakeeper, how to use it?

  3. This is all my old stomping grounds. My dad was a marine mechanic on Anna Mara in the 70's-80's after he escaped the corporate industry. Thanks for sharing these views of the old homelands. I really appreciate it, and appreciate your seamanship.

  4. Since the comment of fuel came up. How is the fuel paid for? Does the customer/client provide you with a cc, do you pay for it and bill them or does the marina bill the customer?

  5. If I wanted to get into this as a mate , where should I start? I’m currently taking classes and have a path into a local dealership but my ultimate goal is to build hours and get my OUPV/6 pack at a min and I’m not sure what kinds of people or facilities I should try to join for this.

  6. 80% of 3600 rpm is 2880 rpm. You said you like to run at 3200. Dude, that’s 89%. And if this was a new boat you should vary rpms for the first 20 years according to Volvo penta. I have a Tiara 44 coup with 600 IPS. Also if you input minimum depth requirements the Garmin auto route would build a route for you around the shoals. You should mention that.

  7. If u ever feel like it would love to see more fixing type items, like would had liked to see how you go prime back in system in the beginning to help us that don’t know! Thanks for the videos!

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