Episodul 260 | Navigând, în sfârșit! După câteva luni de răbdare, neplăceri și rezolvarea problemelor, pânzele noastre s-au întors în sfârșit. Și asta înseamnă un lucru: este timpul să le creștem, să le testăm și să pornești în aventura la care am visat! Nu mai așteaptă. Nu mai mă întreb. Acesta este momentul în care am lucrat. Yabá este gata să navigheze! *Hop la bord și urmează -ne călătoria *→ Abonați -vă https://bit.ly/3di3HBN
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* Despre noi: * Suntem Ben & MP, un cuplu care navighează în lume (sau Încercând să) pe Yabá, schoonerul nostru din lemn de 80 de ft cu cei doi câini ai noștri. Dar aceasta nu a fost întotdeauna viața noastră. În 2020, l -am găsit pe Yabá abandonat, scufundat și pe punctul de a fi pierdut pentru totdeauna. Nu am avut experiență în construcția de bărci, doar un vis sălbatic și hotărârea de a face acest lucru. Am lucrat fără încetare, învățând de la cei mai buni naufragiți locali și am turnat tot ce am avut în această reconstrucție. A fost nevoie de patru ani de transpirație, neplăceri și angajament de neclintit, dar astăzi, Yabá este mai mult decât o simplă barcă, ea este casa noastră, cea mai mare aventură a noastră și dovada că visele nebune * se pot realiza. Acum, navigăm în necunoscut, explorăm insulele îndepărtate, îmbrățișând imprevizibilii și împărtășind înălțimile, valorile minime și tot ce este între ele. Alăturați -ne în timp ce urmărim orizontul!
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O barcă cu pânze care nu ar putea naviga? Nu mai! – Navigarea Yabá 260

41 thoughts on “O barcă cu pânze care nu ar putea naviga? Nu mai! – Navigarea Yabá 260”
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Yabá is finally sailing again and we couldn’t be more excited! After all this time, how do you think she handled the sail trial?

TAKING DOWN / reefing THE SAILS is trickery than putting them up practice that since it will always happen when there is a BLOW in my experience yaba looks beautiful
I really can’t believe how rude some of the comments are! Fair enough if you think you have some helpful advice but if you don’t have the common decency to word it respectfully then I don’t know why you think people will listen to you! These guys have worked so HARD to get to this point! Show some respect.
Well done Ben and MP, I can only imagine how amazing it felt to get to this point.
What keeps the backstay cables from jumping out of the roof edge bendover pulley? Could you remove the top bolts and install an arched piece of metal there?
See @saltydawg1793 comment he uses better terminology
Way to go
Congratulations on your first sail! I am happy for you.
So very exciting!! Happy for you! Happy along with you!!
Excited for your new adventures on that beautiful ship.
heave Ho" lol
It does my heart all kinds of goodness to see Yabá sailing. Congratulations
The amount of commercial/ad breaks was absolutely unbearable! This will be the last episode I watch…
You need to get black UV resistant zip ties for outside use. The white ones quickly suffer UV rot and break.
WHY don't you use gloves when handling lines? Very few of you do. FINALLY! As Roberta would say.
Big load on the back stay pulleys. Good solution but perhaps not the best. I’m Stoked for you Yaba! Surfs up…
I have great admiration for you both…..been watching from the beginning. Thanks for inviting me into your lives. You will find there is a lot to learn to sail efficiently and safely. Only experience will teach you.
Thank You.
Ben, You only 4 sails to set. When we finally get our restoration / rebuild project in the water, we will havve 8 sails to set. Namely 2 headsails, a squaresail and a fore and aft sail on the foremast, a staysail and afore and aft sail on the main and the same setup on the mizzen. Apparently it can be sailed by two people with that type of rig for cruising. It will interesting with your rig as to what would be the ideal angle of the wind for the best cruising speed.
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!
What a journey this has been thus far. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
nice finding you… amazing vessle… wondering if a saddle on that backstay pully or maybe it can't slacken??
think we'll be glued 2U. cheers
Amigos, estou errado ou o Yabá deveria ter 4 velas?
No segundo Mastro, não deveria ter uma Retranca e a Vela Mestra?
Yabá Flying!!!
Wow …. Yaba looks awesome !!
How cool is that guys , I've been watching since day one . congratulations
Why No Boom? Did I Miss A Video Explaining Why??? THANKS TO WE’RE SO HAPPY FOR YOUR PROGRESS ONCE AGAIN!!!
Congratulations Yaba, looks amazing!
Congrats!!! You did it!!
Great sail, but where is the main sail? I see the Boom on the deck.
You need lots more tension on the furlers Ben tightening your new backstays. Makes for easier furling and unfurling. Obviously you will rig continuous furling lines back to the cocpit but great to see Yaba under sail.
Instead of moving solar panels to the davit get 2 more. As "Sailing Parley Revival" discovered one's vessel can never have too much solar collectivity. A quick small question, isn't there a small 3rd cabin between galley and main/master cabin head? If so, will we get to see it? It's good to see her, Yaba ready to go. A most excellent job.
ça fait plaisi de voir ce bateau naviguer à la voile après temps d'effort, bravo vous le mérité amplement.
How cool does she look.
Wonderful to see at least some of the sails up. It's a beautiful boat and I can't wait to see it with all four sails out catching the breeze. I would be interested to know more about the design. There have been several references to it being a traditional Brazilian style but here in Europe we don't seem to have anything similar. Having four triangular sales makes it look more like ancient Mediterranean vessels or perhaps something more southern Pacific. A bit of history would be fascinating to understand the ideas behind the sail layout especially as I think there was a comment about some examples not even needing standing rigging, just relying on the masts.
great to see yaba sailing have been watching since the start when you and mp bought yaba this last ep is there a reason why you have not got the main sail on just curious
Will we ever see Yaba in loch Fynne?
I’ve also watched from the beginning, so congratulations on your massive achievement, I only wish you had more subscribers, you deserve a million,
Incredible looking beautiful congratulations
Mark all your sails in the top corners and with orientation arrows ..it will save time and prevent accidents and damage.
You need to treat those masts with boat soup… Or you will loose them … See Sailor Barry or Red adiva for building and restoring wooden sailing boats … Its a bit messy to put on but easy to do and repeat when it wears away … and it allows the wood to 'breathe' and doesn't peel or crack like paints or varnish.
You didnt realy seal the end grain of the wood where you cut out and drilled the back stays .. you will see black patches and rot appear in a year or two…even without the Brazilian climate.