Toate cele mai recente întreținere și upgrade -uri la Blues 2 Blues 2 pentru 2025! Sponsorizat de: în asociere cu: link-uri: Citește -mi articolele online pentru mby la Vedeți mai multe videoclipuri pe MBY YouTube Channel: #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog
Barca mea: 2025 upgrade -uri

21 thoughts on “Barca mea: 2025 upgrade -uri”
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Being fastidious myself, as always, it warms my heart to see an owner operator doing proper maintenance and upgrades. You’ve well established your propensity for Keeping Up Appearances…so sorry wrong show, I’ll edit that out later… SB 2, looks wonderfully stunning. It will be interesting if you notice an improvement in her performance. Nick have a waterfull weekend!
She's looking like new. The only way to keep your toys. Great video.

We just had 35 centimeters of snow fall on us in Southern Ontario Canada and you're already prepping the boat. haha. Smuggler's Blues 2 looks terrific! That's quite the job removing the anti-fouling. She looks lovely. Can't wait til you drop her in.
ps Do you know why we enjoy your "MY BOAT" segments? Series? It's because you do. You exhume and express such joy with Smugger's Blues, that we cannot help but feel it through you.
Wow, Nick, congratulations on your top tier restoration! Magnificent!
Looking good Nick
You’re so passionate! Amazingly good. You come through as a true boat lover and you’re videos are proof!
Instead of new upholstery, how about a new boat
A sleek and fast vessel upon which you can dote
Then take us along for an ocean-going ride
I'll follow your adventures tide after tide after tide
Keep being amazing Nick
As a sailor I can tell you that the sheets banging on the mast is called 'The Devils Harp'. It's even worse when banging on a metal mast. I can also tell you that I've been daring enough to climb aboard said boats with said harps and un-cleat the sheet, loosen it a bit, and re-cleat it, and then the harp is silent.
Looking good Nick. Excited for you for the 2025 season. I hope we get a couple of nice scenic trips and lots and lots of yacht tours. All the best my friend
Looks good Nick
How about filming a trip on the steam train?
Very clean and Shiny , well done Dave , ready for the 2025 season Nick
Watching this over breakfast (porridge!).. Great capture of the steam train going by.. Smuggler's Blues looking in tip top shape for this seasons boating, hope you many enjoyable days out with her Nick..
Great Video & incredible maintenance work.
Would love a video running through what your cost of ownership is for the last 12 months say? That would be really interesting seeing a breakdown of the costs of maintaining/ running a boat like yours? Thanks
Nice one Nick , looking good

Fantastic boat and it looks amazing
I really admire how you keep your boat maintained and improved every year. It makes your boat look very smart and desirable. Re Gill, I bought my first sailbag 40 years ago and lasted for ages.
Spring is upon us – SB2 is ready for the water
marking another year hopefully closer to joining you. Keep up the inspiring vlogs 

Scape off that anti fowling…….yuck what a job, I am impressed.
Hi Nick, Great video and thank you for taking us over your boat.
WOW what a fantastic job you would never believe it was that old. I know it's cost you a lot of money but it's well worth every last penny.
Bet you can't wait to get bank out on the water again.
Take Care.
What a great idea the emergency ladder is. Back in the day we all jumped off the ski boat off Southend forgetting how would we get back on board. (Drink had been taken). We survived but a very scary and sobering experience. Are tgey z common fitment?