Ep.33. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Ramsgate la Shoreham | Mile 1640 până la mile 1747

Ep.33. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Ramsgate la Shoreham | Mile 1640 până la mile 1747

Ei bine, s -a întâmplat. Am primit salvări de uimitorul nostru rnli. Am suferit un eșec indicat și nu am putut intra într -un port sigur neasortat înainte de sosirea unei furtuni. Voluntarii RNLI au fost uimitori, mulțumiți de ei. Vizitați site -ul meu! www.thebumblingsailor.co.uk veți avea acces timpuriu la videoclipuri, urmărirea live (când este disponibil), în culise, podcast și acces la toate videoclipurile YouTube anterioare gratuite! E -mail: bumbler@thebumblingilelor.co.uk Merch! https://bumbling-shop.myspreadshop.co.uk/ modalități de a menține canalul la linie! PayPal: https://paypal.me/bumblingsailor gofundme: https://gofund.me/d919bd1d ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bumblingileilor cumpără-mi o cafea: https://www.buimeacoffee https://bit.ly/3uvm0kx afiliați; Instruire arzătoare: https://ardent-training.com/?aff=9-10 £ oprit! Orca Navigare: https://getorca.com/?via=bumbler -10% reducere!


41 thoughts on “Ep.33. În jurul Regatului Unit singur într -o barcă cu pânze | Ramsgate la Shoreham | Mile 1640 până la mile 1747

  1. Long shot, it might be a plastic bag or other trash covering the saildrive water intake. Start the engine and go in reverse, it might just clear it. Like a say its a long shot if the impeller is ok.

  2. My wife and I are glad you got in safely. I know you were gutted receiving help from the RNLI but under the circumcision I don’t think you had many options. Great videos and keep up the good work.

  3. Love your videos – thank you! You inspire my channel! I can recommend Sea Start – they are my AA in the solent, should I ever need them. I've also heard from others how Sea Start can even dive to check out issues eg sials and nets snagged under the boat.

  4. First thought i had when i saw this video was engine/impeller/seacock issues because of your previous issues with it. Be interested to see the nedt video on disgnosing the problem/ avoiding it in the future.

  5. Well you definitely definitely want to make sure you have a working VHF. I've made that mistake in the past. You can't rely on a mobile phone. If nothing else it makes a stressful situation more stressfull. And 100% the engine seacock needs to be A1 and fully operational. I've been doing this a long time now and the three standouts for me with boats are – if it can happen, it most likely will at some point (within limits of course). The unexpected does happen. Lastly, most bad stuff rarely happens but having all the core issues sorted, makes sailing (or any boating) a lot more calm and measured. It's all a learning curve. 😎

  6. No need to feel bad about this. You did the right thing and appraised everyone of your situation before it got out of hand. The RNLI would rather get you safely into a marina ASAP than wait until conditions worsened and became dangerous for all involved. They'd rather have a drama than a crisis.

  7. Well done mate. Far better to get help before you end up in a serious situation. I thought it was great you didn't just carry on oblivious to the problems ahead. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  8. Don't be embarassed about the orange taxi mate, you made the right choice. You had a problem, tried solving it, went over the possible consequences, and made the right decision to not push ahead.

  9. That's what the RNLI are there for brother! Keeping us safe!!
    Did you feel a prat telling the RNLI lady that you had a YouTube channel called, Bumbling sailor!? 😂

  10. 9 minutes and 7 seconds everything seems to be going swimmingly, someone seems to be running an old rotary cultivator in the background …..but i'm sure its fine!….

  11. Why don’t you get an outboard bracket on the stern with a half tidy four stroke outboard this would always get you out off a muddle I know your funds are limited but could set up a go fund me page just a thought

  12. I happen to really like a long video I do not like these channels where you get 10 or 15 minutes and then you have to wait for another week. If I'm going to invest time in you I want to see an hour and I don't care if you Babylon for the whole hour I think you're very funny and I enjoy watching you and please stay safe

  13. The one thing I would have tried was to disconnect the inlet pipe from the pump and blew down it to possibly dislodge the blockage. You could also used the pump that blows up your inflatable dinghy. Might not have worked. We will maybe see in next weeks video. I once had water pump failure so I cut the pipe of the seacock and flooded the locker it was in. I then stuck on a spare electric bilge pump and motored for 6 hours from Bardsey Sound to Holyhead. The problem was that the pump was worn and got air locked from the little tiny bubbles of air in the water building up. I can’t tell you how long it took to find that problem !

  14. Yep – definitely did the right thing and at the right time – don't beat yourself up. I'm pretty sure the RNLI would have got 110% out of this as a training exercise too. They are superheros – what's the phrase about not all heros wear capes! Someone below has already said but a dinghy pump blowing down the inlet water pipe to the saildrive might have cleared the blockage – but I have no idea what the problem was and wasn't there and (until I complete on the purchase of my first boat thanks to being inspired by you and others) am still all theory not practice so might has well keep my ars£&ole/opinion to myself! That by the way is one of my favourite phrases too! 🙂

  15. Terry that's what they are their for and why we sponsor them. good call. but would agree on decent radio for birthday list..

  16. You got lucky with the coastguard and lifeboat, in a similar situation a few years ago the coastguard refused to call the RNLI and sent a commercial boat out to me,cost a grand for a tow

  17. Been there, done that. If you are keen, you may run aground, and need a tow. Keep travelling, stay safe, and enjoy yourself matey! Love the channel.😊😊

  18. One thing that did come to mind is the benefit of the RNLI having a 5hp Outboatd to attach to a boat with engine troubles. I love and support the RNLI btw.. God Bless'em.

  19. You do that in Florida and you will get "Sea Tow" and a bunch of other tow boats fighting over you. If you cant pay they will cut your right arm off for sure, LOL

  20. Eh mate when you coming down to Australia? Come down here to my state South Australia and I'll show you around. A few months of hard sailing will see you here

  21. As for the tow nothing wrong with that, what else can you do, it's better to be safe than risk your boat or others boats, especially in a working port where there's huge vessels which can't move real well. Also the RLNI are probably happy to have some practice and blood some new people to the job

  22. Ok Terry. I’ve been bumbling along with you (as recommended by Gemma and Simon). Great viewing and Im picking up the lingo. Now next I want to see you handle (sorry ankle) the tiller like the expert RNLI. Some footage watching you try would be ace. Keep on bumbling. X

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