10 cele mai bune și 10 cele mai proaste bărci cu pânze pentru bărbați de peste 50 de ani să navigheze în întreaga lume!

10 cele mai bune și 10 cele mai proaste bărci cu pânze pentru bărbați de peste 50 de ani să navigheze în întreaga lume!

În acest videoclip, explorăm cele 10 cele mai bune și 10 cele mai proaste bărci cu pânze pentru bărbați peste 50 de ani care visează să navigheze în întreaga lume! Indiferent dacă sunteți un marinar experimentat sau doar începeți, alegerea bărcii potrivite este crucială pentru o călătorie sigură, confortabilă și plăcută. Îndepărtăm factorii cheie de luat în considerare, cum ar fi stabilitatea, ușurința de manipulare, confort și întreținere, pentru a vă ajuta să faceți cea mai bună alegere pentru aventura dvs. în marea liberă. Urmăriți cum trecem în revistă alegerile de top și cele pe care s -ar putea să doriți să le evitați! Nu uitați să vă placă, să comentați și să vă abonați pentru mai multe sfaturi și recenzii privind navigarea! – Distribuie acest videoclip: – Copyright Fair Useding Disclaimer: Materialul prezentat în acest videoclip nu este deținut exclusiv de noi. Aparține persoanelor sau organizațiilor pe care le respectăm profund. Utilizarea sa respectă liniile directoare ale secțiunii 107 din Legea privind drepturile de autor din 1976, care permite „utilizarea corectă” în scopuri precum critici, comentarii, raportări de știri, predare, cercetare academică și studiu. – Utilizarea corectă este un principiu stabilit de dreptul dreptului de autor care permite utilizarea limitată a materialelor protejate fără a încălca drepturile. Acest videoclip a fost creat pentru a spori înțelegerea și aprecierea conținutului original, fără a provoca niciun prejudiciu pentru deținătorii de drepturi. Are un scop educațional și folosește doar mici extrase din materialul original. – Despre utilizarea corectă pe YouTube: Doctrina de utilizare corectă permite utilizarea materialelor protejate de drepturi de autor în anumite circumstanțe, fără a necesita autorizarea de la titularul dreptului de autor.


22 thoughts on “10 cele mai bune și 10 cele mai proaste bărci cu pânze pentru bărbați de peste 50 de ani să navigheze în întreaga lume!

  1. Frankly, not one of them is suitable for older Sailors – none of them has a Sugar Scoop stern or bathing platform that will function as a dock for the Tender, to provide easy access on and off the boat along with good access into the Aft Cockpit allowing secure travel to the Companionway, which has easy secure steps for getting below deck. Most are also way too small to carry adequate provisions , water and spares, and not a single one had in Mast Furling, or a Boom that didn’t reach deep into the Cockpit, yet you talk about easy and safe Sail handling ? You don’t appear to even begin to comprehend the needs of older Sailors, and the reduced mobility that comes with age, and which can indeed result in Sailboats designed to competently Cope reliably with what is needed, though frankly, they are in extremely short supply, in a Market that presently is being dominated with the supply of Mediterranean Spec Deep Draft and Tall Mast Sailboats, that are generally unsuitable for sailing outside of the Mediterranean and on Sailboat Racing Circuits. The Market is long overdue a massive shake up in my honest opinion. Bob. 🤔

  2. Way to many old, short boats. If your rocking a 25-30 footer you will be lucky as hell to average 5 knots. That means you will spend much, much longer on passage. That means you will need more room for provisions and tankage for fuel and water. You don't have the room on a smaller boat. 38-42 footers is an ideal lenth providing room, speed and still not over sized for a solo sailor. Just my thoughts……………. Be happy, be safe

  3. Thank you for an excellent video. Can anyone give their opinion and share as much details as possible on the production/capability/history and manufacture of the Cole 35, fibreglass construction from the 70s. The molds went to Australia in the late 70s early 80s and produced the Pawtucket 35, thanks in advance


  5. Any Bavaria, Beneteau, HR, Jeannaeu, Dufour, Hanse etc between 35 and 40 foot is the best boat for people over 50 to sail around the world in. They are easy to sail, safe, have modern comforts and instruments and parts can be easily found everywhere in the world.

  6. I'm wondering why the Quickstep 24 wasn't listed in the to 10 of best circumnavigation sailboats? So odd. Well, I'll be setting daily soon and will be going around the Cape Good Hope and Capricorn, following the roaring 40s route.

  7. Good video. Appreciate the effort. I was surprised you didn't include a single Ketch and/or motor sailer (many of which are ketch and/or cutter rigged as well), given the focus on blue water cruising sailboats for those over 50/60 (I am 62). Maybe that's just my preference, but ketch riggs are also easy to single hand (smaller sails), and have an added flexibility of sail plans (like jib & jigger), for providing a comfortable, safe and stable sailing experience in stronger winds. Also many ketches have center cockpits, which while not as roomy as the more common aft cockpit, are also more comfortable (motionwise) and safer, especially in rough seas. Lastly, the motor sailer class often have a pilot house, allowing handling of the boat protected from stormy conditions, and often giving more interior comfort and living space. Nauticats (33-40 and larger) are a good example of a capable, comfortable, safe and well built motor sailer that can still actually be sailed with decent performance without assistance from the engine. They come in cutter, ketch, cutter/ketch, and sloop rigs as well, offering a variety of choices based on the sailor's preference.

  8. Was this whole video AI generated? The PS25? I wouldn't want that boat for free!! Super tender and no standing headroom. You put this one on the good list but the BCC on the naughty list. You also naughty listed the Pearson 36 (super successful cruising boat) and good listed the Flicka.

  9. Then my boat probably falls under dangerous. She is a Banner 41 cruise racer 38 yers old a Judel/Wrolik desig, weight 5.5 t, 80 m2 in normal frame up to 155 m2, 9/10 part rig, bowsprit with roller, sandwich construction, rigged for singlehand racing. I am 64 and will go ashore when I can't manage it in a safe condition in about 20 years. And then none of the boats mentioned come under what I find interesting and as a good boat all too heavy in relation to speed and can't get out of the water. Mine goes at 6.5 m/s + 7.5 knots at 38 degrees on the autopilot navigation system Orca which can handle everything. 😁

  10. The Ericson 32 is difficult for men over 60?
    Go tell it Christian Williams, he is in his 80' s and sails LA to Hawaii for fun.look at his youtube channel

  11. The narrator sounds like he has never made a major passage. These are supposed to be for men over 50, not 65 plus! Now he is saying, men over 60, in conflict with the title of the video. No comment about autopilots nor wind vane steering. Your choices of boats in the 25 to 30 ft range for circumnavigating are very abusive in heavy winds and seas, unless you are speaking to the solo sailors. At that, as the "Old Sea Dog," what length boat he sails. Many of these boats you recommend have been out of production so long that they would demand far more effort for upkeep and parts location. The Bristol 34 enters into the length of boat and design that would be a qualifier, but these are very old boats. The Hans Christian is a beautiful seaworthy boat whose weight and response to wind is a slower boat. The Westsail 32 is a toss up, but is more of a coastal cruiser, while seaworthy for longer offshore trips. The Hallburg-Rassy 29, is one of the few boats under 30ft that would be a worthy circumnavigator. A manufacturer who still builds boats of quality. The Tyana is a well designed boat but will require considerable rebuilding to make it a circumnavigator. You did not mention navigational instruments, water makers, and radar that really make a circumnavigation more realistic for any sailor, much less a circumnavigator. No mention of larger dodgers, nor other weather protection that can be a critical factor in such endeavors.

  12. God he must think all us "over 60" guy/ gals are crippled. 60 is the new 50! But I still don't like to varnish all that wood on so many of these. Minimum size for any age should be 35' but bigger is better. It really boils down to setting up control lines (aft) efficiently to a central area. See the IMOCA single handed racers- just completed a non stop around the world race. All had a well protected, centralized cockpits. Fast is fun at any age!

  13. Take every word from this old blow hard with a grain of salt. I bet he has actually been on very few if any of these boats. All might require modification for your purposes. Focus on yourself and your skills not on the boat.

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