Karen a luat în cele din urmă cârma topless – missie realizată! În timp ce eram încă ancorat și așteptăm la reparații, ne -am luat timpul să ne organizăm. Am asigurat un loc la Hinckley Yacht Services din Stuart, unde au fost finalizate mai multe corecții esențiale. Odată gata, ne -am îndreptat de la Stuart, ne -am îndreptat spre Cape Canaveral pentru o oprire peste noapte. De acolo, am continuat până la Jacksonville încă o noapte înainte de a merge pe Georgia, unde vom face o pauză de călătorie bine câștigată. Navigarea toată noaptea are propriile sale anxietăți. Chiar și cu radar și AIS încă nu puteți vedea ce este în fața bărcii. Avem o cameră foto pe arc, dar IR -ul său nu este suficient de puternic pentru a vedea mai mult de 30 sau 40 de metri înainte în întuneric. Gândirea unei alte camere cu arc cu IR mai puternic este în viitor. Karen este oficial o mică piersică din Georgia acum – haha! Mulțumesc atât de mulți abonați !!! Ne bucurăm că ne -ați alăturat pentru călătoria noastră. Dacă nu ați apăsat deja pe butonul de abonare. Atribute muzicale: Ebo Krdum – Nedaal Mercy Street – Callin Out for Your Can Urmăriți -ne: https://linktr.ee/sailingintermission
Topless la cârmă – EDITAT EP163

32 thoughts on “Topless la cârmă – EDITAT EP163”
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I love peeking in on your channel from time to time and seeing the fun you two are having! I did 12 years in the Navy and miss living on a ship or boat on the water. Something about being rocked to sleep nightly that is so great! Wishing you two smooth sailing and plenty of adventures! Sail on and enjoy your days, peace be with you always!
You look so sweet together! Bless the autopilot, yes!
Another great video and as always, looking forward to the next one!
One adventure after another but always good to be home again. No one gets more seasick than me . I got sick just stepping on a glass bottom boat at Silverado Springs Fl. I enjoy living vicariously . Love you blog.
0:14 beautiful smile!
What a nice episode, I hope you can relax and reload at the new location. Btw cool to see Nasa!
Thanks for the sailers dreams…and a lot of Memories. Greetings from Germany
Always learn a lot from your videos.

Like the importance of not letting any loose clothing get in the way of setting your auto pilot.
Thanks for the lesson, Karen
All I can say Steve is your a lucky man to have a girl like Karen despite the dad jokes.
Another great vid! Karen,keep that firm grip on the wheel! Lol
Another great video! Thank you, pretty lady, and you look great with the sunglasses! You two take care.

Nice to see you both
as you haven't been here for a while. Great video hope you are both OK. From your friend accross the pond 
Silly idea wearing clothes when you are at the wheel – never know what can catch on it and cause all sorts of mayhem ! Good idea that you chose to lose the top Karen
A sailboat is a private place. So, you can be completely naked if you want (and it would be the case for me as far as I'm concerned).
Great to see you two are well and enjoying the good life. The det the hull clean Steve needs to get a few scotchbrite scourers or Brillo pads and some cheap toothpaste. It is mildly abrasive and should get that reside off and make the boat smell nice LOL. That little dinghy looks interesting and looks like a drug runners boat because a fishing boat it is not. Why else would you need 6 x 600HP motors. We have floods here in the northern part of NSW and South East Queensland Australia at the moment thanks to Cyclone Alfred. So how did the fuel issue turn out.? I like Karens dress sense. Very casual. Keep on livin the dream you two.
Happy to read you enjoyed Jawja.
Another awesome video!!Nothing beats watching water adventure videos after a full day refitting our 65' catamaran, it keeps the dream alive!
I love watching Karen from behind too Steve!

I love Karen’s steering view & wardrobe or lack of wardrobe! 
You guys are having so much fun, I love when we get together with our friends, because we don't wear any clothes just like Karen
Hi Karen, it’s a bit unfair you said you’re going topless and we didn’t say anything LOL love your channel keep up the good work keep loving each other
Oh My……what a Beauty!!

….nothing like a gorgeous mate topless at the helm. Thanks guys, made my day!! 
Wish I was with you guys
Nice video, glad you arrived safe. Rest up. Are you still heading North? What is your next port of call?
If I was there I might be able to help you all out.

Good to see ya back to sailing again, beats waiting to head North, stay safe and smooth water ahead….
Come on, show the things that you want us to see.
We are heading back south on the Florida Mini Loop. Sad you guys wont be in Marathon, but we understand. Sure we will see you again. Glad that you guys are on the move again.
Hi really really really so very gorgeous gorgeous love how are your day sweet love in how are you feeling today gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous love
i.m James 59 in single man in Morganton NC

Good God " woman" put a shirt on , i still need to have my dinner .