Incident cisternă militară din SUA | Aveți vreo dovadă de joc nefast? | SY News EP445

Incident cisternă militară din SUA | Aveți vreo dovadă de joc nefast? | SY News EP445

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32 thoughts on “Incident cisternă militară din SUA | Aveți vreo dovadă de joc nefast? | SY News EP445

  1. I think you do very well, with your reporting regarding incidents. Very good videos, although I do not operate ships, boats or yachts, I watch most of your films. Very informative and as as far as I can tell accuarate. well done.

  2. Foulplay cound not be ruled out, the other option is massive stupidity.

    Allision was probably used as in lawyereese as 'it wasn't our fault', could not have been our fault. If they used the word collision someone, a lawyer on the other side, could say they were admitting culpability.

  3. If the difference between an "allision" and a "collision" is the most grievous error that any nick-picker can find in your reporting, then the rest of us people who are actual adults, certainly need to be thankful for your fabulous reporting. Keep up the good work, with greatly many thanks. Geoff Rohde

  4. Not an accident – if the collision impact took place at either end of Stena Immaculate we might say itvwas an unfortunate accident but the fact that she was rammed at full speed hitting the anchored vessel mid centre shows she was very probably aimed at and so to attain that accuracy some small course adjustment would have bern needed leading up to ramming – the black boxes will tell all

  5. I'm sure this is an 'accident' just as much as I trust that the Russian shadow-fleet has been accidentally cutting all of those undersea data cables…Act of war for sure, but Trump's media is completely ignoring this incident

  6. Not an accident. The Russian that is missing set the course to collide, and left the ship That’s why he can’t be found.

  7. Normally with tankers you just consider the summer deadweight tonnage, in this case the ships 'summer dwt' is 49729 tons – that is the weight of cargo, bunker fuel, fresh water and stores she can lift when fully loaded. In simple terms she is a 50,000 ton tanker.

  8. And also, I joined my first ship 3 days shy of 62 years ago. The very first time I ever saw the word 'allision' was on a yachting forum a few years ago.
    I'd leave it to the true pedants that walk amongst us, real sailormen shall continue using 'collision'.

  9. You know what, I would not have bothered to respond to the criticism of whether it was a Collision or an Allision. Some people have nothing better to do than make corrections because it makes them feel that they are smarter. Just ignore them. If they are repeat offenders then block them. Problem solved.

  10. Great insight. One question i have that I cannot find film or Text answer to is historical, in the 1700s, when tall ships were anchored away from harbour, boarding crew, passengers and cargo via longboat, how was this done? I'm guessing yard arm and cargo net with platform, but i haven't been able to confirm. I've heard that this kind of thing is dangerous even today, so if anyone can pls point me to a film showing this i would be grateful. I'm researching the raft of the frigate Medusa, which departed Rochfort in 1817 and ran aground due to a bogus pilot and checked out captain.

  11. Thanks for your great insight into this disaster, some great reporting.

    Also the fact that it costs 600k a month just to maintain a super yacht is crazy stuff.

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