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Căpitanul rus acuzat de divizia specială de crime și combatere a terorismului | SY News EP449

41 thoughts on “Căpitanul rus acuzat de divizia specială de crime și combatere a terorismului | SY News EP449”
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I can see your point, and conspiracy theories are definitely not needed, still, in this case they will have to not only do very careful investigation, but also be very transparent with it because the chances of a ship under Russian command having an accident with a ship which, as I understand it, was carrying fuel for use in Ukraine – can it be an accident? Of course, the same odd of any accident, but man, it is a very suspicious set of circumstances so the proof that it was just an accident will need to be very clear and well explained to the public in order to prevent theories.
I guess he figured better a British prison than the Ukrainian Front.
Thank you for this update.
Do we think he's going to be out on bail in a day or two and back in Russia within three?
Philippinos speak better english than most Americans
No doubt he will be swapped back for some tourist with 200 too many duty free ciggies.
I see a ship called "Silhouette Island". Safety is not important in shipping.
The US needs to also indict him for attacking the US military.
FYI: Having said that “There are no national security implications,” bear in mind that the tanker was carrying fuel for the U.S. military.
Its always a Vladimir….
The ship has used that same track many times. It may have been on autopilot. I think the bridge watch just wasn't alert and thrown off by all the lights of the anchored ships.
Someone died so the charges.
Terrorism? Probably Espinage.
The russians will just "arrest" (kidnap) a brit, and do a prisoner exchange!
Nothing normal about this when everyone has radar and radios on a calm sea.
A Russian captain on a Portuguese cargo ship. And thats not suspicious to anyone. Have that many people forgot the cold war. Really!!!!!!!!!!!!
No doubt that trump will be first to make sure the Russian captain will not face any charges
My goodness. For once, a well-informed and very well presented video on this incident. No clickbait, no Hollywood drama. Well done!
The captain has no requirement to be on the bridge 24/7
It’s Russian set up and those who did collision will be backed by putin and will be glorified by their people and government. Mark my word.
Cock up or conspiracy?
A 59 year old ships master shouldn't have made this mistake.
The oil tanker anchored in the middle of shipping lanes in fog is not gross negligence?
Sensible commentary – Thanks.
Strange a Russian captain accidentally crashes into a ship carrying Avgas for the US air force! Nothing to see here!

You can't always ascibe to malice what can be explained with incompetence. That said, there is such think as criminal incompetence.
Captain is a criminal
Thank you for helping us break this down however I will always consider this an act of Ward given who Putin is and how he operates
How could it be an accident the ship was anchored and big!
I'm still very wary of this being a simple accident, no change in speed , no change in direction, no proximity alarms on the radar etc.This man is a disgrace to the merchant navy.
As stated in the video, don’t get carried away by the title of the prosecution team, especially the CT side of it. The first half, “Special Crimes” is the key indicator.
Why Special Crimes? Because this is a fairly rare case and specialist maritime safety laws may also come into play as the case develops.
Amazing,you are talking about this incident and nobody talks about fact that "Solong" had only 14 crew members,you are
talking about 4 deck officers!! Ships like "Solong" have very busy trading pattern,short trips,in very busy waters and have no
time to have proper rest…most probably "Solong" had only two deck officers,doing "6 on 6 off "duties….most probably
officer on duty fell asleep…not his fault!!
Yes, the Norwegian boat had a Russian crew and the Filipino crew, who normally speak good English, have met some of them.
The fact that no other officer has been charged , suggests to me the captain was the watch keeper at the time , and he may have left the bridge for some other reason or perhaps fallen asleep
Full speed in heavy fog? Yeah, negligence at the least and recklessness at the worst.
I probably missed it but how could this accident happen?
Thanks for the update. I appreciate your continued efforts to clarify the situation to those who refuse to listen. Thanks for sharing.
Russians seamen shouldnt be allowed to work in Nato waters. Even if they are not Putins supporters their wages are supporting Russian war machine.
I blame Trump!
He was charged by Humberside police .
Fine reporting sir.
Not knowing how to spell “prosecutors” undermines your credibility somewhat.