Alăturați-ne pentru o revizuire aprofundată a navei de croazieră MSC Seacape, cu un accent special pe Exclusive MSC Yacht Club Experience! În acest videoclip, descompunem lucrurile care fac ca această navă și conceptul său „nava-o-navă” să fie cu adevărat grozav-și zonele în care se află scurt. De la designul uimitor al punții de la Yacht Club, până la luxosul Top Sail Lounge și serviciul excepțional de la echipajul Yacht Club, există o mulțime de iubire. Dar nu este o navigare netedă-ne vom scufunda în aspectele nu atât de grozave, cum ar fi puntea de piscină a clubului de defecte de design, cabinele și băile interioare infracționale și spectacolele de teatru excesiv de americanizate care lipsesc marca. Indiferent dacă plănuiești o croazieră sau pur și simplu curios despre ceea ce are de oferit MSC Leacape, această recenzie minuțioasă te -a acoperit cu informații cinstite și sfaturi privilegiate. Ați navigat pe peisajul marin sau în clubul de iahturi? Spuneți -ne gândurile dvs. în comentariile de mai jos! Doriți să susțineți și mai mult gust, încercați să călătoriți? Accesați Știați că Chris & Beth găzduiesc o croazieră de grup Try Tur Travel Group pe Brand New World America din MSC … cea mai mare și mai sălbatică navă încă ??? Obțineți informațiile: Pentru mai multe informații despre gustul, încercați călătoria World America Cruise Email: sau sunați la CJ la 863-221-4056 The Triple T Group Cruise Flyer Consultați noul gust, încercați thirts de călătorie și merch: Bulied. Link -uri: Carcasă subacvatică iPhone Camera principală Sennheiser SHOTGUN MIC hollyland mini -wireless mic system telefonic telefonic Camera Tripod extern htt Fan de călătorie croaziere multi-port Hanging Hanging Bag Cruise Wall/Door COOPE HTTPS://AMZN.TO/3NNGUDG CRUISE CAMER CAPER LAGASE HTTPS://AMZN.TO/3H5UPOP OCEAN PLOATEA CONTING HAMMOCK HTTPS:// Full FaceMask Snorkel Muzică folosită în acest episod: Summer in the Sixty – Mike Franklyn \\\ #mscyachtclub #MSCSEASCAPE #MSCCRUise
Recenzie completă a MSC Seacape Yacht Club – 3×3

22 thoughts on “Recenzie completă a MSC Seacape Yacht Club – 3×3”
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Wow, this is well put together!! Love the content so inspired!! MSC Fans!

The crew in Seascape Yacht Club was way better than it was for us on Seashore. The Yacht Club Director really makes a difference.
Was the captain, "Captain Bye-bye.?"
49 days until we board Seascape again, we can't wait!

's. More shade, even retractable awnings would be nice. When Chris said that the walkway to the restaurant is long…I cracked up because I thought the same thing especially with all of the tire tread art work on the walls. Where's the shuttle service???
We loved our stay in the Yacht Club.
I have to agree with the 3
Love the 3×3 ! It's always a wonderful cruise when you have to make yourself pick 3 cons instead of "widdling it down" to 3 LOL Great job my friends
The adventures of Steampunk Humpty Dumpty, Dore Bro and Willy the Stripper….I'd buy that comic book
I'll book just to see Willy
Captain Bye-Bye is the best we’ve ever sailed with. As you said he’s everywhere. We thought there had to be three of him. He was in the dining room every day for lunch to chat at each table. He played trivia with us one day, he was pushed into the pool by his son, who was sailing with us, when we crossed the equator. He cleaned up glasses on the lido deck, and was helping to dock a tender. Then you turn around and he’s scanning your medallions! He knew his crew and how every aspect of his ship worked. We really felt that the crew was so cheerful because he understood. We met him on a 28 day round trip from LA that took us to Hawaii and the South Pacific. A dream trip for sure!
Where can we get the Willy the stripper tee shirt
Is the alcoholic drinks limited to 15/ person in YC ? If i will have 16 in one day and my wife 2 do i have to pay for 1 drink ??
We’ve done YC with MSC 4 times and Seascape was by far the best!! We did two cruises last summer and had most of the same YC crew which was awesome too!! 118 days until WORLD AMERICA! Love the content!! Keep it coming!!
“Going too American”. Hits the nail on the head. I miss the diversity and adventure with the food too,
I love stealing the elevator. Lol
Problem with shade is same with Seashore. Chris my husband also complained about the looonng hallways on Seashore, but then he is over 80 yrs old

You guys are funny. Thanks for making me laugh again. Good times…
Any info on the worle xawill be appreciated. We are in the you asheville area. We are in the infinate aurea room tyvm.
Loved it! Can't wait to hear more about Willy the Male Stripper!
Are you guys doing YC on the World AMerica inaugural sailing?
Unused YC show seats are given up once show starts on every ship we have been on.
Loved thisI am also an MsC Fan , chriss is soo funny Great job guys
Just about to book a 4 night Seascape and have a few unanswered questions after watching a bunch of new videos. (1)Do you still get daily access to the Thermal Area?
(2) Do you still select a bottle of included spirits for the room with YC?
(3) This cruise has no at sea days will I miss anything? Ie restaurants not open for lunch/afternoon tea etc
(4)Is there any champagne included with YC by the glass or all Prosecco / other types of sparkling wine?