4,5 milioane USD Tur Yacht: Riviera Belize 66 Daybridge

4,5 milioane USD Tur Yacht: Riviera Belize 66 Daybridge

Un yacht Flybridge foarte elegant și foarte solid, The Riviera Belize Daybridge 66. Sponsorizat de: https://setAgyachts.com/ în asociere cu: https://www.cmf-uk.com/ https://comarsyms.com/ https://ww.garmin.com/ https:/gb.gillmar.comb/ Pat. Pentru ghiduri aproxime numai scopuri și pot varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificații, mulțumiri: https://www.rivieraaustralia.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/burnhamnick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick mi -a citit articolele online pentru https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vedeți mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul MBY YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlogg


46 thoughts on “4,5 milioane USD Tur Yacht: Riviera Belize 66 Daybridge

  1. I look at the space versus the side profile.Some just look stupid,tiered too high and top heavy whether true or not.I was on riviera website last week and the belize really caught my eye.This walkthrough got my juices flowing.I like it but old problem remains….trawler style or this semi dis with speed that drinks fuel at a hell of a rate….I think this although can do is not really a liveaboard full time boat!

  2. I love the layout on this boat it really flows well, definitely shows quality through out as well. I would definitely have the three cabin version with the down stairs seating area, Really nice VIP cabin as well, all in all a really nice yacht for the money. Great tour Nick thank you.

  3. Nice boat Nick, and looks way bigger than its length going by the internal layout.
    A question Nick you might be able to answer in relation to fire extinguishers on boats, as you sold them in the past. Its been niggling me for a while.
    When you opened the wardrobe in the twin cabin I spotted a small 'Kiddie' type fire extinguisher tucked in side. While not visually pleasing to have it mounted on the wall for easy access, I would have thought in a panic looking for it in filled wardrobe an increased risk. That extinguisher has a 5 -7 second life going by its size, it looked like a 2lb one. The engine room has what looks like a 50lb one, possibly Halon, which would snuff out the sun in that area. Halon was still available to use on Marine, Aircraft and Hospitals the last time I spoke to anyone about it.
    I'm interested as I looked after over 850 extinguishers where I worked, checking all the fire points on a monthly basis and servicing them too till it was out sourced. If any of the fire points were obstructed the local manager got an early appointment with a proctologist from the 'elf & 'safty manager. Rightly so too as it was a high risk environment regarding fire. And I would get an ear full too despite my area covering a couple of square miles. I know public and private domains have different regulations. I have a 10kg CO2 in my shed. Over kill it maybe but I have been on a lot of fire training and flames move fast.

  4. Pretty nice of course but price seems high and small porthole style windows in the cabins would seem like a thing of the past. And at an angle in the master so it looks crooked. Should I be in the market that would be a deal breaker for me. A significant cabin view is a big part of the experience. You don't want any hint of steerage in this market segment.

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